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Well my 2 cents..... Do whatever you want to do. I personally don't wear anything except maybe a little sunblock (texas sun can get you quickly burned if not careful). But then I don't wear much makeup when above water either.

After reading this thread.... I don't think that I've ever looked at someone on a dive boat and asked noticed whether someone was wearing makeup or not... I'm just excited to be there (like FOO) and wanting to get WET!!
I always use a conditioning spray in my hair before and after a dive, i always wear a SPF foundation as it seems to stay longer on the skin then say a normal sunscreen, i have had three sun cancers removed from my lips from serious sunburn from water skiing and always have lipstick on, why...becasue i know when my lips are prone to being sunburnt or wind chapped becasue it (the lipstick) is no longer there and needs to be reapplied for me it is about the added protection - an obvious reminder, otherwise i tend to forget and then kick myself after for having dried out burnt chapped lips when i can't afford to risk it again. FOr me it is not about looking or feeling good, but knowing that i won't get skin cancers again through being irresponsile but i don't tend to wear mascara or blush or the rest of it when diving.
if i were a girl i'd try to look nice all the time. girls are beautiful so they should
not be afraid to be beautiful all the time
Mojo Jojo:
if i were a girl i'd try to look nice all the time. girls are beautiful so they should
not be afraid to be beautiful all the time
I sure like being beautiful all the time, but I almost never wear makeup ;)
I myself enjoy looking good and like to feel pretty whether it is above or below water.
senitment repeated by several posters, quote not meant to be directly attributed to any one post...

Wear makeup or don't, whatever.

BUT I think that you should feel good about yourself all the time first - makeup (designer clothes, the right accessory, perfectly primped hair, etc) shouldn't be the answer. I find it sad how many women - perhaps none here, but just look around - don't see the value in themselves without all the icing.

This is a fabulous passtime we have here and I am encouraged by how many of us seem to be strong, positive women! Hooray us!
Hello fellow girlies,

Well I just have to add my little bit here. Like most I am in the "live and let live" field, don't wear makeup myself when diving, but I do like to perk my face up a little afterwards.

I don't really go for that glam "made up" look even when I go out, but I also don't like to look like I have just survived a drowing incident, so I do the conditioner bit after a dive, and add maybe a little lip balm, but thankfully I have never got into that feeling naked without my "face" mode. It's also amazing what a little bit of a tan can do for you… who needs makeup when you have a natural blusher?

Having said that, it is always good to know which products out there are best… you never know when you are going to be asked to appear in the next PADI video, for which you will need the full whack… lipstick, nailvarnish… the lot!;)

Happy diving all of you, whether you do the full on glam girlie or nice n natural fresh face.
hi...i'm new here...but this is what i have to say

one of the things i like about diving is that its a great equaliser......we all look less that perfect in neoprene!!!
no one looks glamerous after removing a hoody and mask from their heads.....and i think the streaked make up just looks worse.

in the harsh south african sun though, sun block and lip protection is essential!
i have resisted putting my .02 cents in (because, honestly, who cares about my opinon about this?) but here it is:

women are valuable to me as much more than what they look like. they are my life partner, my friends, my co-workers, and my fellow dive buddies.

i value them for a heck of a lot more than what they look like in day to day life, so who cares what
they look like when we are diving?

as to strangers, same thing... we're on a dive boat, relax, you dont' have to
try to look good (unless you want to). if that's what you want to do, then
go for it. but if not, why not just be yourself, without having to put a pretty face
Why do you put on make up when you are planning to scuba dive?? it's either going to get washed off, wiped in your gear.. or just messed up.. ie mascara.. water proof or not. I don't understand why??? Maybe cause I am a tom-boy and just to see the purpose of the stuff............

Back to the beginning with this issue! waterproof mascara does not smear! I'm glad to hear we have so many beautiful aw-natural or tom-boy, responders here..that's GREAT! :dazzler1:

Those like the thread starter who have never worn or are not acustomed to wearing make-up will never relate, please understand that! Like I've posted before, make-up and diving not everyone can get away with it.

However, I can! and I'm proud of it. As long as I can afford to have lip gloss and mascara I will not go out without it! For all of us that dive know that one must remove the lipstick when applying the regulator to ones beautiful lips!(lol) :dazzler1: Maybe, not by just anyone but Make up and Diving, It can be done!

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