Major gear changeover

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Long Island, NY
I previously used a jacket bc and wetsuit. I just recently got my first BP/W and am considering a drysuit as it tends to be a bit cold up here in the northeast. As I was thinking about the drysuit (mostly cost) I became conscerned about dealing with two major pieces of equipment simultaneously. Is this generally a bad idea or what? I am a fairly new diver so I am not all that confident about doing both but then in others experience it may not be a big deal.

It is always a good idea to only add one new piece of gear at a time. However the learning curve with a bp/wing/harness isn't steep at all. You should be able to move on to a drysuit fairly quickly and it will certainly enhance your diving enjoyment.
Drysuits are a bit of a different ballgame than wetsuits. I have no experience with BP/Ws since I use a jacket style one.

If you don't feel comfortable attempting both at once I would recommend getting used to using your new BP/W first. If you do have problems with your drysuit, your bc is your backup (if your using your suit for buoyancy).

Remember it's always best to try out new equipment in the pool first!

Good luck and have fun.

Nauticalbutnice :fruit:
Take someone out with you who isnt working new gear. I recently started the DS route and it isnt all plain sailing, a course might help (various issues back and forth on this one recently). The BP/W would be pretty easy, a couple of dives and you will have that dialed in.
I previously used a jacket bc and wetsuit. I just recently got my first BP/W and am considering a drysuit as it tends to be a bit cold up here in the northeast. As I was thinking about the drysuit (mostly cost) I became conscerned about dealing with two major pieces of equipment simultaneously. Is this generally a bad idea or what? I am a fairly new diver so I am not all that confident about doing both but then in others experience it may not be a big deal.


How much experience do you have?

About 2 years, have ow, nitrox and a bunch of specialties. I'm doing my dives for advanced in early spring.

Well..... Generally changing one thing at a time is a good idea but these two pieces both affect your trim and the learning curve for a bp/wing is short, as UP said. Make a couple of dives (one weekend) just with the bp/wing to make sure you know where all the controls etc. are and to get an idea what it does to your trim before you add the drysuit. ONce you add the drysuit plan 10 training dives with it.

gl & hf

Until you get comfortable with the BP/W, you can dive the ds with your jacket bc, but I'd wait until you're comfortable with one before adding the other. Especially if you're going to dive the BP/W exclusively. Also, specialties are nice to have, but it's your experience that counts. Dive, dive, dive! It'll probably take you at least 20 dives (or more) in the ds alone before you start to feel comformtable with it. Buoyancy is a whole different game in a ds. Get your buoyancy down in the BP/W, then add the ds.

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