Magnifying Glass

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Hi guys.. i am not sure where to post this.. it's been decades since my last dive, and i will be going for a dive in september 2024.

recently i noticed i cant see as well as i used to. i work as a service technician, once i needed to replace a damaged part of a machine, i cant see the part number no matter how hard i tried, and i cant go any nearer as it is obstructed. my only solution is to take out my mobile phone and take a photo of the part number, and zoom in to read it.

then i recalled many years ago i dived with a group of elderly gentleman from Hong Kong, they each brought a huge magnifying glass and used it to look at nudibranch underwater. i thought it was a great idea.. but it was a long time ago and i am wondering if there is a better solution other than a magnifying glass? i can easily drill a hole and add some harness and secure it to my BCD.

But anyone has a solution for this? other than magnifying glass? if not i will probably drop by a nearby stationary shop and grab a magnifying glass.
Magnifying lenses do not work, unless you have a sandwich of them, with diving liquid between them
how about you take out a mobile phone and take a photo of the little fishes and zoom in to see them

Magnifying lenses do not work, unless you have a sandwich of them, with diving liquid between them
how about you take out a mobile phone and take a photo of the little fishes and zoom in to see them

nice find.. thanks for the link.
yeah probably will be using my mobile phone for it..
Less expensive option:
Underwater Magnifying Glass (@pelan-pelan's comments)

Fresnel Lens 4X Magnifier Pocket Wallet Credit Card Size
Magnifying lenses do not work, unless you have a sandwich of them, with diving liquid between them
how about you take out a mobile phone and take a photo of the little fishes and zoom in to see them

That looks like the one I have—it came from the Netherlands. Works great for observing tiny critters. A bit too bulky for all-around use, though.
Hi guys.. i am not sure where to post this.. it's been decades since my last dive, and i will be going for a dive in september 2024.
Magnifying glasses aside, do you have any plans to review and brush up on your skills before this first dive in decades?

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