"Magician" Open Boat..Friday(s) Aug 1 and 29

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Yea if you want to pay :D j/k
I guess in some ways :rofl3:
Im interested in the 29th not so sure about the 1st...I think thats the night i Audit my first class...Ill let you you know about the 1st as soon as i get back, but im on for the 29th
Im interested in the 29th not so sure about the 1st...I think thats the night i Audit my first class...Ill let you you know about the 1st as soon as i get back, but im on for the 29th

So far we have 2 for both dates....any other takers????
Grrr... Only if I can work full time! or better pay part time job! I lead a busy schedule! Full time student at a college and part time job and also 2nd job, teaching American Sign Language to high schoolers. GRR! Why did I have to overwhelm myself in debt in the past few years! I guess that is what you get for being young and stupid... Ha! At least Imma gettin' out of the hole I dug myself in. Soon, I'll be with ya'll!

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