Macintosh Interface

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Hi to all,

I'm equipped with an iMac and would like to know if there are Interfaces that works with that. I'm now owning a Mares Tutor, but am considering buying a Suunto or an Aladin.
I think that kind of Interface is quite rare so I'd rather buy a new computer that's matching with the Mac :)

Does anyone have any idea ??

Thanks in advance
Yes, someone else with a Mac!!!

Nobody (that I know of) makes a Mac version of their software yet. So unfortunately at the moment your best alternative is to get Virtual PC, install it on your iMac and you can run Windows, and in turn 'should' be able to use the dive software for your computer. An adapter may be necessary to convert the connection to USB however. I don't recall if the iMacs have infrared or not, but if they do, the new Uwatec Smart series uses infrared as it's connection.

Here's a site for the adapters that I use:
Or you can flip open the for sale section of your local newspaper and buy an old pentium 60-90 laptop, clean up the HD and install win95. Should cost about $100 for the laptop. Probably could get an even cheaper desktop machine, but a laptop will fold away nicely into a drawer or even carry on trips.
There is no manufacture that makes a dive computer software that is compatible with the mac that I have been able to find! There are a few software programs that just run on a mac with no link to a dive computer. Depending on what you are looking for in the software. I am a mac guy and have looked for software!! I did end up buying software for my palm but does not link with any dive computer. I can plan dives with different mixes and it will create dive profiles. I did call and e-mail a few dive computer manufactures though. The more people that do the better chance we have of getting more software. Now with OS X it is much easier to write the PC software into Maca format so hopefully dive companys will see us Mac guys out there and want to please us!!!
Diver gadget,

That's very optimistic but let's hope...

Anyway, I'll try the "Virtual PC" trick, and I'll pos right here if it works (as soon as I have my interface :wink: )
Could you please give e a good Interface for Mares or a website that has interesting softwares on dives simulation and logs ??

ThanX again !!
I use my Suunto Cobra/Dive Manager software with my G4 Mac running OSX and Virtual PC 5. You'll need to get a serial to USB adapter. I've been through four different adapters to find one that reliably connects and transfers the data from my Cobra and my programmable TV remote. I recommend the Keyspan #USA-19QW.

I also successfully transfer to my G3 Powerbook running OS9.2 and Virtual PC 3.
I recently purchased a Mac and have noticed the lack of supporting software as well.

However, I am a programmer (in the past for Windows) and am learning Obj-C and Cocoa under mac OSX. I believe the Suunto (atleast) comm interface is published, and there are other independent (non-Suunto developed) software packages for the PC.

So, I'd be interested in working on a project to develop a Mac interface for the Suunto line. Is there anyone w/ programming experience willing to help?

Andy Turner
iBook 600
Immenstaad, Germany
I have written a Suunto interface application for the Palm. Suunto were unwilling to provide any information about the data format but I managed to find quite a lot out by experimenting and various sources on the web. I will pass on all I know if you like. There is also an open source dive computer interface on the net that might be helpful, I'll dig out the URL.

Best of Luck

PT Dive:
I have a Suunto Vytec Computer and a Palm. Have you heard if your program works with the Vytec yet?? I also can't remember any cable coming with my computer, I will have to look in the box again. But what cable hook up do you use between your palm and dive computer??

flounderUVA I would love to help you but my programing skills are very basic, the odd script or I learned a little Basic back in school. If you ever develop or come up with some software I would be interested in purchasing a copy. I would love to avoid the hole virtual PC thing!!

miesemer What sort of problems were you having, and did you say you use your TV remote to transfer data off your Cobra??
Originally posted by diver gadget
miesemer What sort of problems were you having, and did you say you use your TV remote to transfer data off your Cobra??

No, I'm also transferring data back and forth from the TV remote to the Mac G4. Which also is using a Windoze application. The point that I was trying to make was that a few of the USB to serial adapters wouldn't reliably connect or transfer data at a high enough bit rate for either device. It would be nice if the electronics manufacturers would abandon the old serial interface for something more universal like USB. That may alleviate half the hassle of creating a user friendly Macintosh application.

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