robzr:Well, the 890,000 children ages 1 to 5 have elevated blood lead levels high enough to affect intelligence, growth and development might disagree with you...Rob
Yes, when I did an academic study of lead levels in the open, there is a clear and convincing correlation of elevated lead levels to distance from inverse relation. (The study was not set up sufficiently to prove cause and effect, so have to settle for correlation) The closer to a road, the higher the level. It isn't lead from paint, it isn't lead from bullets, it isn't lead from old fishing sinkers. It's the lead from gas back in the 50's, 60's and 70's for all those old muscle cars that got 8mpg.
It is all the old tetra-ethyl lead we burned in our internal combustion self propelled space heaters that contributed the lead thgat caused those issues. If current scientists would do a proper job of validating and verifying their models, they might also find that the residual heat from those internal combustion self propelled space heaters (ie, cars) more accurately predicts the effects they are seeing, since they are still uncovering discrepancies in their results.