After a year, I still can't figure out how to delete a file on my mac with just one click. Please share.
Who said anything about deleting files? You can rename with one click, which means that without meaning to you can easily rename an important file to "k" (or whatever keyboard button your hand accidentally touches). Strangely enough, renaming important files tends to cause the computer to be unhappy.
I'm confused. Are you talking about Windows? Usually just the program crashes? Thats a new one.
Are you still working with win3.1? We have multiple XP systems here at work, and system crashes are extremely rare. I can only think of one or two times I had to do a hard boot in the past month. I had to hard boot (which in mac terms means unplug) both mac systems in my lab already this week, and I've only been at work 1.5 days...
I totally agree with the linux thing. Its a great OS for a server. Lousy as a workstation though...
IMO, linux exceeds both mac and pc in workstation capabilities, although my uses are much different then the average home user. No, you cannot play games on them, but you can run several multi-spectrum deconvolutions in parallel without the system choking on you - macs and PCs can't even begin to run one. Most scientific software is written for linux, and not just cause its a geeky thing to do

- in many cases linux is the only OS which has the capabilities we need. Cluster processing, 64bit computing, shared processing, distributed processing, customized distros, system-specific compiling, and a lot of stuff which maximizes computing output is easy on linux, but difficult if not impossible on PC/mac. And they have the best stability and best multi-user controls in the business, which in my facility is the beginning and end of running our systems efficiently. Neither Mac, nor PC, can even come close to those capabilities. Yes, if you want to edit a video, balance your checkbook, or load songs onto your ipod, linux is not the best. But for technical computing, or anything requiring a bit of power, it is the best system out there.