Agent 47
You know, it really doesn't matter one way or the other though. My thought was just that I hear so many arguments about how the LP95 is such a better tank than the HP tanks because you can use it at low pressure and have 95 cu ft of gas, or jam it and have more volume like an HP tank, which is just a friggin' silly argument to begin with. It's flawed in so many ways. Whether you decide to agree that it's the same as the hp119 as the chart says, or maintain that it's not, the difference in gas volume between an overfilled lp95 (to 3442 psi) and an hp119 (if there is any difference) or an hp120 isn't much. I've actually had an lds salesmen try to discourage me from buying hp tanks based on this argument, and have seen a couple of threads online where peeps have posted similar arguments that the lp tank is more versatile. It always blows my mind to hear that. I usually don't bother to pursue the discussion any further. I guess it probably comes down to slick salesmen wanting to get rid of old tanks?