Low profile Zip-ties

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I'm a Fish!
my neighbor just brought one of these over to my to show it off and I had to have them...so with a quick search I found these and ordered 100.....just wondering if anyone has ever used them and also to throw it out there to anyone who wants to get rid if the sharp edge and bulk of a standard zip tie.... I have cut my lip on my mouth piece for the last time!

here shows a better pic of what they look like....
Cobra Low Profile Plastic Zip Ties - Specialty Wire Ties and Plastic Zip Tie Wraps - Wholesale Cable Tie Catalog

and you can order them here 100 for under 7 bucks depending on the length
I've tried them [also known as "belt buckle" ties ]...They seemed like a good idea, low profile/no snag, but I found they couldn't be tightened enough and had a habit of slipping [coming undone ].......The sharp edge of regular ties can be fixed by useing a pair of nail clippers to cut the excess flat/flush to the female/tab/buckle part or if you want to leave a little sticking up just take a nail file and file/sand it smooth/round.......The "belt buckle" ties would be great for diving [we use them in lots of places, I make a loop on zipper pull tabs w/them] but the locking design/mechanism needs to be better.......
One of that type came with my Comfo-Bite mouthpiece from Dive Gear Express and it was love at first sight. I asked if they sold them separately but they said no. So got some from McMaster-Carr (just as another option to the good sources already given; I sometimes have other stuff to order from them so it's convenient).

You can find these at McMaster-Carr under "low-profile cable ties" (or by putting part number -- 7483K35 -- in the search box. This is their smallest ones in UV-resistant black; there are other options. A package of 50 is now $4.78. Their shipping is lightning fast and relatively inexpensive.

I've been able to get them super tight (put them on my backup reg mouthpiece, plus my inflator hose) and totally flush. And they've stayed that way through a year or so and quite a few dives. I'm trying to remember how I did it -- I might have used some small needle-nose plyers to get a grip. I'll see if my buddy remembers, since we both did our gear at the same time.

Blue Sparkle
yea I checked McMaster-Carr first as I have an account with then already but they didn't have the 7.5" length....only the 11.25" thats why I used tiewraps.com......I installed the one my neighbor gave me and yea I had to use needle nose to snug then up but after 4 tanks worth its still holding up a well as a standard zip....cant wait to get my order in to replace then all
I noticed that about the length. I was thinking the ones I got were shorter, but maybe not. Of course I just cut off the extra anyway so it was flush. Whatever the source, I really like knot having that square "knob" (which isn't the sharp bit, as I think someone thought above, but is just the built-in "locking receptacle" part).
I also like the "knob" of the regular tie on the mouthpiece as it helps to hold a bungee tie from slipping off. I'm trying to find a good use for these new ones.

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