You also need to take into consideration how fast you and they are moving. New divers often have inefficient kicks that help them burn through their air and they tend to try to go fast which makes it worse. I do a lot of pausing with the newer divers to encourage them to slow down and see what's around them. Slower also gives them a chance to work on their buoyancy control instead of using kicking to maintain their position in the water.
I know one diver who will literally swim circles around his buddy when they are going slow, he likes going fast and feeling like he's "getting somewhere". Make sure that isn't you when you're diving with new divers
New divers are fun to dive with but you do have to make some adjustments when first incorporating them into your stable of buddies. It's as much a learning experience for you as it is for them and diving is all about learning.
Ber :lilbunny: