The basic underlying thing with low carbs diets is that by controlling your blood sugar level to a constant lower value you control your apetite, thus eat less and loose weight. Carbs gets your blood sugar levels to go on a roller coaster ride, fast drastic up and downs. By taking away the carbs this won't happen. Then different carbs are doing this to a different degree. Also high blood sugar levels signals an abundance to the cells and they start to store fat. And finally by getting a steadier bloodsugar level other blood chemistry levels also improve.
So you can eat carbs just eat less and things that has less sugar in them.
The South Beach diet talks about bad and good fats and carbs. And it lets you eat good carbs once you have "broken"
the blood sugar roller coaster. This is by far the most sensible way I have seen to weight control.
Another thing is that when eating out, controlling your carb intake is much easier than the fat. Fat is usually cooked into the food while carbs are separated as in bread, rice, potatoes etc. and thus can be pushed aside or taken out by substitute order.
I've tried both low fat and low carb and both works. However the low fat was much slower and I combined it with a lot of exercice, also it was much harder to follow out side my own kitchen. The low carb was fast (12lb in 2 weeks), didn't require any extra exercise, and was easy to do, eating out, going on events etc. (I don't consider my self obeise but is fighting the 10-15lb around the waist as so many of us.)