Louisiana Diver

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Just wanted to drop in and say hello. I live just outside New Orleans, and though I've been diving since 1986, I haven't been very active lately. But I have a new found interest in diving so here I go...again ;)

I was YMCA open water certified in 1986, but I'm currently switching to PADI as there are more training oppotunities here and a friend is working on his assistant instructor cert at a local dive shop.

I also plan on doing a ton of diving at the springs and jeddies of Alabama and Florida, as they are close and cheap!

I look forward to learning a lot here, and from what I can see I believe I certainly will!
Hi there and welcome to the boards! I think that you will be able to learn a lot here, and hopefully be able to post some of your own experiences as well! My name is Kayla, and I have been diving for two year now. If you have any question or problems... or you just want to chat, PM me! Otherwise, I hope to get to know you better around the boards!

Safe diving!
:369: Hi there mzenzer, my name is Matt. Welcome to the Board! You should enjoy it here, you will find lots of information about diving. You can also meet many nice people too. Have a fun time here. :auto:

And welcome to SB - the biggest, the best, the fastest growing, and :D the friendliest!

Let me guess? When you needed a snorkel and mask to go the driveway, you decided it was a good time to get back into Scuba? Have you two talked about retraining? 18 years is too long to remember much safety, and the gear is better.

Check our your local and nearby Dive Club forums for new dive buddies in and around Louisiana. Completing your Profile and seperately - keeping your Dive Info up to date helps in future diving discussions. PM me if I can help you learn your way around.

Heya Mike and welcome to the Board!!!! Let us know when your headed this way, the Florida Conch Diver's are always doing something. Best wishes on your PADI course.

Thanks everyone for the kind welcomes!

Kayla, I can already tell I'll learn a lot here. In fact, I've learned plenty already.

Don, retraining? Heck, I'm taking an open water cert course all over again! Some people tried to convince me to just take a refresher course, but I was looking forward to the complete course and as I said earlier, I want to switch to PADI anyway.

Baitedstorm, I've always said that if I ever left Louisiana I would move to Florida. No other state compares. With that said the panhandle is just a hop, skip, and jump away and I'll be making a lot of the dives available there in the coming months.

Everyone else, again, thanks for the replies and I'll see ya'll around!
Welcome to ScubaBoard! :happywave

I got a bit behind in my greeting due to some great diving over the weekend, but wanted to offer you a warm ScubaBoard welcome now that I'm back. I guess diving is an acceptable reason though!

Dive safe!


P.S. Due to the high volume of new posts in the Introductions and Greets forum, it's not always possible to keep up with all the new posts here. So, please help me out and send me a PM if you post anything you want me to read or repsond to in this forum.
:palmtree: :sunny

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