The problem with recreational dive accident analysis is that the whole story is never available. Buddies and non-professionals at the scene usually don't comment because they're afraid of being involved in litigation. Professionals on the scene are almost certainly going to be involved in litigation so they can't comment. Those at the chamber and any health care workers can't comment because of medical right to privacy laws.
The only people that you'll usually find discussing the accident on the web are those with 2nd or 3rd hand information. It's really unfortunate because we could all learn a lot more about how to be better divers if info was readily available.
When I was learning to fly, my instructor made me read years of back issues of the National Transportation Safety Board accident summarys that are published quarterly. If something like this existed for SCUBA, it would be sad, morbid, and sometimes viewed as disrepectful of the diver when they were at fault, but I think it could help the community learn. If nothing else it would serve as a reminder that things can go wrong so be prepared. The problem is that it is impossible to compile due to the legal concerns listed above.
My heart goes out to Daniel's wife and kids.