I don't think it is so much the free flow, but how one acts during the event. If your confidence was based on the belief that you would act calmly in the face of adversity...and you suddenly find out that is not true, there is going to have to be some emotional resolution...
I would suggest that what you did is very normal, and you seem to be missing the superman gene (which I may see one day, but so far we all seem to be missing it).
From personal experience, I've had a lot of free flows...and have handled several really bad...but I now have a very clear path to follow if that were to happen...and the event does not scare me....however:
1. I was on a plane going to Viet Nam that crashed on take-off in AK...most of the people on the plane lived.. just not the row in front of me. To this day, if a plane takes a long time getting up, I get scared...I know I will, I try to relax.. but if it feels like that event...I get the first stages of panic. But I don't go any farther..and I just relax myself out of it...I cannot seem to stop it, but I can control it. I still fly.
2. I've been thru an Oceanic white tip attack... rammed, grabbed (by the fin thankfully), shaken...several times. Just hitting me ripped areas of skin. Never saw it before it hit. It scared me bad... I had trouble sleeping afterwards and to tell the truth, had trouble diving.. even stopped for a couple of years. But I love diving, and life is very short..and for a while, after that, when I saw a shark, I wanted to run... but gradually it went away.
I hope you take some of the excellent advice given here, but in the end... if you are not having fun... don't do it...and if you are just scared you will act that way again...I can tell you it is very unlikely....as it is the one thing you will now have a clear plan for.