WOW!!! I'd have major issues having someone with such a messed up value system on my boat! Where I work, integrity/ethics is the number one job requirement, and unethical behavior will get you fired in about a nanosecond! (I deal with people's 401K retirement accounts, so there is an absloute zero tolerance policy for unethical behavior or actions!)
I dont think that person worked on her boat, he "booked" it
Yep. This guy who found the mask was a customer. He had booked the boat. But even a customer on my boat will play fair. They don't have a choice. We have lots of fun, are very trustworthy, and take care of each other. I expect my divers to have manners and look out for the group. They don't have to book with me, but they know if they do, any lost belonging or left belonging is in good hands and will come back.
Except for my DNY t-shirt. That was squarely pinched on my boat.