Losing weight, trimming up?

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I've never been what you would call overweight, but over the last few years the weight started coming on little by little, maybe a pound or two a year. I think my metabolism is not as high as before; but also I was slipping off a really healthy diet of lots of whole-grain stuff, veggies, fruit, etc. Instead, I started eating more refined stuff, junk food, and sweets. I've always been pretty active.

I got quite a jolt when I discovered my cholesterol level had risen from 130 to 190. I did a semi-fast for five days: Fruit in the morning and night, and a big salad at lunchtime. Since then I've moved back to more whole grains, legumes, and lots of veggies and fruit. I've gotten back down to where I want to be (and the cholesterol is down). I know now that I'll need to make it a permanent lifestyle change to keep my figure and ultimately my health. I want to still be diving when I'm 70!

I think lifestyle is the key. We want a quick-fix on everything. We hope to endure a starvation diet for awhile to take off the pounds, and then go back to our old ways. But that is actually worse than not losing the weight at all, as the fat cells just accumulate each time we go through another yo-yo cycle.

The solution needs to be something we can live with permanently.
I've never been what you would call overweight, but over the last few years the weight started coming on little by little, maybe a pound or two a year. I think my metabolism is not as high as before; but also I was slipping off a really healthy diet of lots of whole-grain stuff, veggies, fruit, etc. Instead, I started eating more refined stuff, junk food, and sweets. I've always been pretty active.
I noticed that i am getting a little fatter around the face, and under the chin - never was chisled, but still, you can always hope!!
I want to still be diving when I'm 70!
Who wouldnt!!! Hopefully longer than that too.
I think lifestyle is the key. We want a quick-fix on everything. We hope to endure a starvation diet for awhile to take off the pounds, and then go back to our old ways. But that is actually worse than not losing the weight at all, as the fat cells just accumulate each time we go through another yo-yo cycle.
The solution needs to be something we can live with permanently.
Havent we all noticed that in this day and age, everything is "now, quick fix, instant gratification" and the like. I am probably not really old enough to recall the time before that in general terms, but i would prefer to earn things than be given them and pay it back with interest (just dont look at my creditcard balance!).
OMG someone who actualy read the fine print on the Atkins diet. Most people I have encountered use the Atkins diet as a means to justify eating bacon and pork rinds every day.

I still absolutly beleive that ketosis is not a healthy state to be in, and that the Atkins diet can easily be incredibly unhealthy.

A lot of people get confused on this. It is only the first 2-3 weeks of the plan where you cut the carbs way down to 20 and you end up eating lots of meat, eggs and cheese, but after that you are supposed start adding things to your diet and find that carb level where you stay the same after you
Great thread. I have gained quite a bit of weight over the past 10 years. Many many factors come into play, so no one reason is to blame...however I have gone from riding horses 10+ hours a day to sitting in front of a computer. And I am a stress eater. Get stressed? Desserts is stressed spelled backwards! UG! I love sweets...and they are so easy to eat infront of the 'puter. I have tried to not eat here...but then the old habits keep coming back. I also try to walk 3x a week, 1 1/2 miles, in addition to anything else I do. So far I have lost 10lbs, and am now struggling to keep it off....bummer cause I have so much more to go....
26, 27 this month I just got tired of gaining weight. II would make one excuse after another sayingthat I would get back into those jeans, or I would fit into that shirt after I was done with my bachelors degree, then it became graduate school. I would look into the mirror and get discuted with myself. FInally when I had to buy a suit to go on a cruise, nothing was fitting me in the "normal" stores. I had to go to a big and tall. This just sent me into another one of those depressed states which lead to more food.

Finalyl, one Tuesday in January I just said to my wife, I am going to go to Weight Watchers on Thursday. Her response, good for you. Good luck with that (not being sarcastic although I know it sounds that way :06:) Now going on my 12th week, 30.8 pounds lighter. I feel greeat, although "I" don't see any difference in the mirror. Yeah, I fit into some of those older jeans. I have to drill an occasional hole in my work belt in order for it to fit. But I still don't see the difference.

Now, I am frustrated when I hear people say that they can't lose weight for this or for that reason. I repeat...

If I can get back into shape anybody can.
Even considereing the last time that I was really in shape was when I was lifeguarding in 1994-1995.

NOw, I always wanted to be a diver. Finally convinced my wife to get certified with me last year. (She just did it to spend time with me and likes the pretty fish in the carribean :crafty:) I said to myself that I would buy all the equipment and start diving on a regular basis and get my own equipment. Just purchased my full set, some from LP and some from LDS, and am waiting for it to come in. Hopefully this will encourage me to lose the other 40# that I would ultimately like.

To me, food was/is a comfort. It doesn't matter what fad diet you are doing or what lifestyle diet you are following. Basically if energy > food input you will lose weight. Most of the diets out there have some basis to them-- if they are followed appropriately. To me, it is not a diet...... IT IS A LIFESTYLE CHANGE


Some sacrifices may be made for a short term only for a lifetime of happiness :wink:
I'm down 40 lbs and 4-6 sizes (depending on what store I buy from).

wow, wendy... congratz... that's a very drastic change.
26, 27 this month I just got tired of gaining weight. II would make one excuse after another sayingthat I would get back into those jeans, or I would fit into that shirt after I was done with my bachelors degree, then it became graduate school. I would look into the mirror and get discuted with myself. FInally when I had to buy a suit to go on a cruise, nothing was fitting me in the "normal" stores. I had to go to a big and tall. This just sent me into another one of those depressed states which lead to more food.

Now, I am frustrated when I hear people say that they can't lose weight for this or for that reason. I repeat...

If I can get back into shape anybody can.
To me, food was/is a comfort. It doesn't matter what fad diet you are doing or what lifestyle diet you are following. Basically if energy > food input you will lose weight. Most of the diets out there have some basis to them-- if they are followed appropriately. To me, it is not a diet...... IT IS A LIFESTYLE CHANGE


Some sacrifices may be made for a short term only for a lifetime of happiness :wink:
Wow... sounds like you're doing great!! It's cool (if that's the right thing to say) to find people that do understand. I work with people that are addicted to drugs... and I can tell you this... if you replace the word 'alcohol' or 'cocaine' or any other and put in the word food.... you've got me. I feel like I can't keep my life together without it (Not that it helps ONE BIT).

Last fall lost 20# with Atkins, which was a great lifestyle choice for me...(addicts need pretty strict guideline) but had to go to a number of weddings/parties... fell off the wagon and haven't been able to get back on. Thought I was going to jump off a roof just thinking about having to wear a 7mil wetsuit in January. But still didn't stop eating. Have gained 12# back... but I have been seriously trying to motivate this week and I think all of your encouraging stories may just help to push me over the edge to committment. Thanks for sharing!!!
OMG someone who actualy read the fine print on the Atkins diet. Most people I have encountered use the Atkins diet as a means to justify eating bacon and pork rinds every day.

Hey All,

I've been doing Atkins since around Christmas. For the first two months I was probably doing what most initiates into Low-Carb diets were doing. Not watching portion control, loading up on the beef, and emploring a plethora of the hot new low-carb products. Candy bars, shakes, etc... Between that and having a really bad analog spring loaded scale, I actually was gaining weight. Then I ran across about low carb diets and sugar alcohols. (All these wierd little chemicals they use to make things sweet and not count in your Atkins net carb counts.) I immediately dumped them from my regiment and started tracking everything I eat using a cool package called FitDay(www.fitday.com, there is a free web based version), and splurged for a new digital scale.

Since 2/12, I've stuck to the plan (minor bumps), limiting alcohol, keeping my caloric intake under 2000 and getting plenty of vegtables via brocolli and lettuce I'm tracking about 4lbs a week. Occasional excercise by diving. I plan to begin strength training soon - if only to help me lug those E8-119's around and be able to manage a set of doubles.

Getting motivated to do this couldn't of happened w/o diving. The doc wrote a perscription for hypertension and a switch clicked.... Perspeciptions = no diving... Can't let that happen. So when people talk about cravings and self-control... Well - they just don't want it bad enough.... Somethings gotta click to get you totally focused on this - a blammo moment as some people like to call it. I can put off Adv Nitrox/Deco for a year to whip myself into shape.

Now the only downside to all this - by the end of this season my custom CLX/450 will be extremely loose and have enough drag to stop a 747 & I'll need to get a new drysuit.

385 -> 356.4 -> 180 (13.9%, -28.6 lbs, Week 12)
Now the only downside to all this - by the end of this season my custom CLX/450 will be extremely loose and have enough drag to stop a 747 & I'll need to get a new drysuit.
I just bought a suite that is going to be a little too small now, and I should fit into it. I didn't buy the best suite on purpose. If buyinga new suite is what we will have to do at the end of this season or at the begining of next season, GOOD FOR US. Tis better to need a smaller suit than need to get another custom one that is bigger :wink:

Dont mean this to be a joke, but can you get the suit custom taken in?

Netmage, that is some target, essentially half your previous weight, looks like you are setting about it in the right manner though and taking it one step at a time. Not many, if any, can get the dieting and exercise thing right first time,you always learn something as you move on in this life!

I am still aiming at 220#, i was 250 a month ago or so, and now around 240, so here is hoping!!

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