Los Cabos? Belize? new divers

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My wife and I are new divers, planning a last-minute trip - November 6-13. Suggestions? Want good diving for new divers, plus some fun restaurants and so forth. Thanks!
San Pedro in Belize is very popular. Not the cheapest, but quiet at this time so good deals available. I can organise good quasi-instructive diving in superb surroundings. Look at www.ambergriscaye.com for info on hotels and in general. Can't speak for Los Cabos.
Uh, you joined a year ago - and you're new divers? Use Quick Links above to update your Profile and sepeately your Dive Info, and we can better discuss things.

If it's your first dive trip, go to Key Largo and get on with a charter than caters to newbies.

If you really want to leave the country, and have passports - Ambergris Caye would be a good choice, Pro Tech an excellent operator. Just in case, tell them how new you are, but they'll surely ask.
If you can get our to Cozumel, I'd suggest Deep Blue. My husband, son (14 years old at the time) and I were fairly new divers and they took excellent care of us. Since then I've been back to dive with them twice. I found the service to be the same high quality. You can't beat the number of excellent dive sites. Have fun where ever you go!


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