Looking for shore diving in South FL

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As to being a snot nosed diver, I love leaving them green so they can learn from you :) But then again, if someone silts me out, they might see me poke someone with a tickle stick :poke:
I promise to up my snot nosed diver game. LOL
I'd go to Lauderdale by the Sea & park on Deltran Ave. There will be other divers, they may let you instabuddy. Otherwise it's 15' max depth, you can always snorkel if you get shot down.

I've enjoyed your post's on this topic and....

It sounds like you know BHB pretty well. I'm coming down 9/18 to 9/23 is there any chance we could dive it together? I've read about it, it sounds like a great dive that I have never done it and you seem to know it well.

Yes, I have all my OWN gear. Tanks included, even a steel LP108!!
Unfortunately those dates would be challenging for me. I have to work 9/18-9/22. I need to be home by 4pm and HT is 3:27PM that day. Reach out to @Scuba_Jenny, she's a DM and does paid guides. Trust me, she is an eagle eye for finding things (except skeleton shrimp) :). Seriously though, she's awesome and has shown me critter locations numerous times.
@sayler23 Jenny also lives down south in the Hollywood Beach area. She can take you to Yellow Brick Road, Lauderdale by the Sea, Pompano Beach, and of course, Blue Heron Bridge (a must). She does guided dives which will are worth their weight in gold. For example, if you don't know your way around BHB, you'll walk away disappointed and wonder why people love the spot so much. In fact, you might have a downright negative experience. She'll handle navigation, timing, and show you critters.

She'll even reserve you a parking spot and carry your gear :rofl3:, ok, maybe neither of those.

As stated above, coming down in sept. Do you have any recommendations on sites or groups that I could join in with to not have to pay $100 to a charter boat to then dive with an instabuddy.

Wow, the last one was Sea Experience in Lauderdale that paired me with a SPEARFISHER....

Just asking....
With all the above said, if you're interested in a charter dive on Saturday the 23rd, and you're as prepared as you say, I wouldn't mind connecting for a dive. LMK...
She'll even reserve you a parking spot and carry your gear :rofl3:, ok, maybe neither of those.
Have you any idea how much I've been slapped for that? Posted on FB too! :rofl3:
No more, buddy. Get up and get moving in the morning!!!
Have you any idea how much I've been slapped for that? Posted on FB too! :rofl3:
No more, buddy. Get up and get moving in the morning!!!
I truly appreciated your parking spot reservation skills! :drunks:
Mr Chen,

Sorry, my notices were off. Sure, I can extend another day. Would love to dive with someone I can first talk to...
PM for contact info and what all.
When you said to the 23rd, I assumed you meant you were still here diving :). I'll send you a PM.

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