Looking for rates & deals for FIBR or other Roatan resorts this winter?

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One kilometer high on the Texas Central Plains
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Edit: I totally overlooked the Bay Islands sub-forum, oooops...

Fantasy Island's site doesn't have any rates? My dive bud & I just finished an adventure that was fun but challenging enough that we're in the mood for something simple next trip - especially since his GF may join us next time. I enjoyed the FIBR package the couple times I've been, but might consider another meals & dive inclusive resort - just not Anthony's or CCV. They're fine for others; not for me. And FIBR does have non-diving possibilities for his GF if she happens to come along.

Hah! I really prefer the two of us keeping it simplest - and let people wonder about us I'm sure. Someone asked if I was his father last trip; I must have needed a nap. :shakehead: But we're both always open to lady friends in our lives and he has one - so got to keep that what-if open.

Edit: I got an email reply for FIBR. $889 + 16% is higher than I expected, but doable I suppose.

I'm wondering if two guys might prefer another resort tho? Things change; he may not have a GF in Jan. :D
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