Looking for Guest Speakers

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Reaction score
New Hampshire
# of dives
100 - 199
No, not Bose or JVC or anything like that! The United Divers of New Hampshire is looking for guest speakers for our club meetings this year. In the past we have had local dive shops owners, local charter captains, and our own members do slide shows and show movies of their latest and greatest diving adventures. We have got two speakers tentatively scheduled for February and March. One is from the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, Marine Fisheries Division and the other is from the University of New Hampshire Aquaculture program in Durham, NH.

However, we would be open to anyone who might like to come up to Manchester and be our guest for the evening, show us some slides, a movie, do a little talk on something that you or they think might be interesting to fellow divers. I'll even throw in dinner and a couple of drinks at CJ's after the meeting (I am not above bribing):D

If you, or anyone you know might be interested, please IM me or drop me an e-mail with the contact information.

Thanks -- timk
As long as Tim has posted a request for speakers, I'll add my 2 cents to this.

We always welcome new members (or just visitors) to the club. Come on in for a meeting to see if you're interested before joining.

All of our information is on our website: http://www.udnh.org
Hmmm... pay my airfare from LA and put me up for a few days and I'd be game! I give a lot of talks for SoCal dive clubs.
Drbill -- thank you for the offer but I must have forgotten to mention we're a poor diving club. By the time we found two nickels to put away for your trip I'm afraid we'd all be too old to do anything more than tell stories about diving to the young kids that come to visit us the old divers home once a month. However, if you should ever find yourself out this way for work, vacation or what have you, please feel free to give us a shout and if the NE weather will cooperate, we can get some folks together for a dive!
"I must have forgotten to mention we're a poor diving club"

There goes my suggestion for having the conference in the Cayman's

I'de come and talk; but I wouldnt want to be responsible for any cracked ribs. I would tell ya's all about my secret dive spots but then again Ide be giving them all away.

Contact Bob Michelson through his web site at http://www.pbmphoto.com/ . Bob gives presentations on local fish and invert identification. He is also the guy that coordinates the Great Annual Fish count which I'm sure he'll also talk about. We've had him out to our club (UDCM) many years.


Contact Bob Michelson through his web site at http://www.pbmphoto.com/ . Bob gives presentations on local fish and invert identification. He is also the guy that coordinates the Great Annual Fish count which I'm sure he'll also talk about. We've had him out to our club (UDCM) many years.


Dash, hope all is going well with you. We had Bob present at one of our UDNH club meetings. I learned a lot from his sessions. I can ID invasive tunicates species, monovalves & bi-valves with confidence!
Dash -- thanks for the lead. I'll be sure to get in touch with Bob and see if he'll come out and do another show for us. When we had our club board meeting earlier this year someone mentioned the fish count but didn't know if it was still ongoing or not. They thought we had just missed it so it would be good to contact Bob anyway and find out if and when the count will be taking place this year.

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