No, not Bose or JVC or anything like that! The United Divers of New Hampshire is looking for guest speakers for our club meetings this year. In the past we have had local dive shops owners, local charter captains, and our own members do slide shows and show movies of their latest and greatest diving adventures. We have got two speakers tentatively scheduled for February and March. One is from the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, Marine Fisheries Division and the other is from the University of New Hampshire Aquaculture program in Durham, NH.
However, we would be open to anyone who might like to come up to Manchester and be our guest for the evening, show us some slides, a movie, do a little talk on something that you or they think might be interesting to fellow divers. I'll even throw in dinner and a couple of drinks at CJ's after the meeting (I am not above bribing)
If you, or anyone you know might be interested, please IM me or drop me an e-mail with the contact information.
Thanks -- timk
However, we would be open to anyone who might like to come up to Manchester and be our guest for the evening, show us some slides, a movie, do a little talk on something that you or they think might be interesting to fellow divers. I'll even throw in dinner and a couple of drinks at CJ's after the meeting (I am not above bribing)
If you, or anyone you know might be interested, please IM me or drop me an e-mail with the contact information.
Thanks -- timk