I have a Hollis HD 100. It's a back inflation style BC. I just bought it last year, and I love it. Before I bought it, I was looking at the Ranger. I borrowed one and dove it a few times, and I didn't like it. When there was just a touch of air in the wing, I felt like it had a propensity to form a bubble and roll, or move, from time to time, making meslightly uneven. This was very minor, but something I could live without. To me, the ripcord makes me uneasy. As an student of engineering, I tend to think of absolute worst case scenario, and I always picture those things getting snagged, or getting pulled inadvertantly. I know they aren't very hard to restring on land, but it would never be possible at depth. I like the quick lock release system, it feels intuitive. It's also flush against my body, which I like. The HD also has some nice roomy pockets that are easy to access, it's where I keep my shears, snorkel, etc. I don't want anyone to get the idea that I'm down on Zeagle, believe me, I don't want a Zeagle devotee knifing me at 50'. I like Zeagle, they make great products, and I own 2 Zeagle regs. As far as my personal preference is concerned, the Ranger was not for me. At the end of the day, whatever feels most comfortable for you to dive in is best. Borrow some rigs from friends, or even rent some from your LDS, try a few before you buy.