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Well hey there board members...

Bored and surfing the web and look what I stumble upon... a group of individuals who enjoy going down as much as I do... well, you know what I mean... anyways... the name is Eric and I am openwater I certified... if thats what its even called anymore...

Home for me is Southern California even though I'm in NJ for a few more months.... it's been a few years since I've been under and I'm taking a full refresher course next week followed by an openwater II or advanced course... just blew the dust off of all my equipment and had it checked out.. great condition... now all I need are some fellow divers to chat with and it looks like I've found those...

I'll be busy the next week or so absorbing all the great advice and information off of your posts and look forward to chatting with some of you ...


Hi Eric,

Welcome to ScubaBoard! I am glad to hear you are getting back into the swing (or should I say dive) of things. I think it's great that you are taking the refresher course to get yourself reacquainted with all the skills.

What part of Southern California are you from? I know there are several of us here on the board from that neck of the woods. When you get back out here, let us know. There is always someone up for a dive or two.


I GO DOWN! welcome to scuba board! You'll find everyone in here is a great laugh - and sometimes you can even pick out some informative stuff too!!!!

I have to say Lady diver - your new cool piccys under your name are to die for! Very very cool! Very approved of. Look fab!

Anyway, I'm keeping quiet round the board for a bit folks so take cares!

You've come to a good place! Join in on any of the discussions, the more ther merrier.

Hello Eric, welcome to the family. We're glad you're on board. Like LadyDiver said there are more than a few of us here in Southern California, and we would look forward to diving with you. Have fun, and be safe!

LadyDiver, I agree with Abby on the new images under your name... very cool!
Lady Diver,
WOW! Love the Mermaids. Very hot, very sexy. Are those the ones we can use on the Chammyz now?
Part of the Lady Neptune Divers logo?
And oh yes, Eric welcome. You'll love it here.
Hi Folks,

Thanks for the input on the new mermaids. The Lady Neptune Diver's logo is still in the works, but you can bet that when we come out with it, it will be worth the wait.


Yeah, I have to say, first thing I thought of was what a nice pair of gifs you got there, er, uhm, ah, I mean....

Originally posted by Ladydiver
Hi Folks,

Thanks for the input on the new mermaids. The Lady Neptune Diver's logo is still in the works, but you can bet that when we come out with it, it will be worth the wait.


I didnt want you to feel left out - just seen your little picture as well - very.....suitable!!! hehe x =-x

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