LONG post about a dispute with my LDS

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I guess none of Submariner's gear matches, unless he was lucky and the dive shop had all the colors/styles available for him

Im in the opinion of, if it fits and its on the "50% off, hot pink" stand, i'm buyen it. :)

Besides, hot pink is safer 10 foot vis, and you can see me at 50 feet. :cool:

As for the rest of the thing, I think both you and the LSD are at fault for various reasons. There are 2 points that stick out at me however.

- The LSD leaving uncertified studends with bcd/regs/air for multiple days is not wise. They are basicaly giveing you all the rope you need to kill your self in your own pool or whatnot. It only takes a few feet of water and some compresed air to have a lung overexpantion injury.

- What about the other student? He got bumped because you couldn't make it to the OW session, and they wouldn't run it for one person. If I were that person, I would be real irate.
No way would my LDS treat me as you have been. I have always recieved prompt service(especially air fills) and have been accomodated to meet my schedule and in turn I have done the same for them. Never have I been disappointed in the quality of their attention to my needs, and THAT is the sign of a shop worthy my business. If I had experienced any of your current problems, my money and patronage would be elsewhere. To those who disagree, I point out that it IS pleasing the customer that makes or breaks ANY business! (within reason) If the story you offer is accurate, I suggest finding another LDS.
The tank issue is easy. I agree that no shop in it's right mind would rent to someone without a C card. The liability issue is too great to ignore. Another sign of a quality shop!
In short, I say get your cert. the best way you can with a shop you feel comfortable with, and chaulk up the rest to experience. And next time you want to take a course(ie: AOW, etc) make sure the rules are more clearly layed out. Dive Safe! Dive Often!

as far as the equipment we were in the pool on Wed. Thur the first week. We picked up rental BC and tank on Wed afternoon before pool session and returned them Fri. before closing. The next week we picked BC and tank on Tues. before Pool session and returned them on Thurs. when we came in for the last class session and test. We then picked them up on Fri. afternoon for Sat. checkout dives, and the instructor brought two students their filled tanks for Sun. dives and my buddy and I were going past the shop were going out with on Sun. The shop we were certifingy with called the other shop and had them fill the tanks Sat night to be ready on Sun. I never even thought about the fact that we had tanks we could have used, nor did I think about using them.
Yes, the LDS did cancel the class, and yes he was awfully irate.
He called me at work and yelled at me for five minutes, then hung up on me before I could say anything in my defense.
He blamed me and my wife 100% for the class not taking place, and as you all know, I don't think that's accurate.

He seemed like a nice guy, and I'm certain that if they'd simply called him and asked him to pick my gear up for me (doing myself AND the LDS a big favor), he would've been happy to. But they told me they wouldn't do that and canceled the class anyway.

That made me wonder if they ever intended to run the class with only two people - now, that's some biased conjecture right there, and I can't substantiate it, which is why it isn't a part of any of my earlier posts, but it just struck me as very odd that they were so unwilling to come up with any other solution to get my equipment to me.

Oh, and for all of you guys saying I should've just driven down there, I had the conversation with the LDS at about 4:30pm. They close at 6pm. During Friday rush hour traffic, there's a good chance I wouldn't have made it to the shop in time, and the guy there was adamant that he wouldn't stay past 6pm. Probably should've mentioned that earlier.

**edited for my using a slightly naughty word that anyone can hear on any TV station at all hours of the day :D **
Originally posted by Crrink
Yes, the LDS did cancel the class, and yes he was awfully irate.
He called me at work and yelled at me for five minutes, then hung up on me before I could say anything in my defense.
Well that was certainly unfair and unreasonable...
Both sides of the story needed to be heard...

Hot pink?! Where have you been, man? Hot pink is passe... it's flourescent YELLOW, so you can be seen, not pink! :egrin:

Now class.. which colour disappears first underwater....???

[insert Jeopardy Thinking Music here] :wink:

Once upon a time I had pink fins.. but the YELLOW ones are MUCH easier to see in ANY vis...

I bet your yellow was full price!

And yes, you loose the pink fast, butthey stay very florcent and very bright. Yellows not to much further down the specrtum than pink anyway.
This Instructor don't pay no stinkin full price! It's "Key Man" or nothin'! :wink:

For my twenty penceworth.
I can see blame on both sides.
1) LDS should not have requested you to pick up the gear at such short notice.
2) LDS should have had the tanks filled when they said they were

3) LDS owner should not have ignored you when you had a problem with the refund.

but ...
You should have made sure of the company's refund policy in the event of a situation arising.
Medical problems occur all the time and no one can forsee them. But one should not have left quite so late to book a diving course. I understand weddings can take up a lot of time and things get forgotten.

I am from the UK, and I find it difficult to comprehend why LDS would let you take home gear for such a long period of time. Does he not have other classes to run?

I sympathise with both you and LDS. But my main gripe would be the lack of service to communicate about your problem with the refund. A simple letter from him apologising for the problem and detailing his opinion of the refund charges would have sufficed. You could have then replied wth what you thought, and taken it from there.

Open a dialogue with him asking to detail why the refund is what it is. Get it in writing.

Take with you your estimate of what you think the refund should be and why. If you are in the area regularly it should not be a problem

Contacting PADI is a waste of time, they will just say talk to the dive shop. They will not be interested.

Good luck

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