Go with the 7' hose if you're hot for it. I find it to be a pain to deal with most of the time. For decades, I dove with the standard 40" octo and pulled maybe 200 people out of OOA and every kind of bonehead dive error you can think of situations. When I shared air, I clamped onto you real good and no one ever got past arm's length from me. You were mine until we surfaced. Act up and you got shaken back into reality.
So i'm retired from all that stuff now - I just dive for fun.
Go with the 7' hose. Since you're asking here, your life won't be complete until you deploy it. And, it might just be the ticket to dive happiness for you.
So i'm retired from all that stuff now - I just dive for fun.
Go with the 7' hose. Since you're asking here, your life won't be complete until you deploy it. And, it might just be the ticket to dive happiness for you.