Back to the original topic though. What I found at the C2 level was that there was not a tremendous amount of lecture and very little in the way of dry runs. If I remember correctly maybe one on jumps, a small discussion on circuits and deco bottles and something on stage management.
It was mostly about doing the dives in systems, gaining experience and refining skills. We seemed to get back each day in somewhat reasonable amount of time. I certainly don't remember any 12+ hour days.
We definitely had 1 or 2 long days at the beginning, mainly trying to get the survey stuff covered for our "day off"
However, we didn't need much work on the stage/deco bottles. After our first deco switch, Danny said something like "Well, that went pretty good" and that was that.
With the stage dives, we discussed the gas planning and then got in the water.
So I could imagine if those things were new to us then maybe more land-work would need to be done.
the final 3 days were pretty reasonable with just the one experience dive on last day. Almost civil