That appears to be a very thoughtfully excecuted class schedule. Just enough time off to unwind and recharge...
Indeed. It worked well for us as we all had tech training so were used to handling multiple bottles which made it easy for Danny to put the stage stuff in a bit earlier and cover survey enough to allow us to actually go and do a survey on a "cave 2" dive.
(OF course he made it clear that our survey dives, in the system that he told us to survey were the ONLY C2 dives we were authorized to do at that point

This is also nice in that you get to do the in-water survey, otherwise it might be limited to just classroom discussion and land drills (it's not a required in-water skill but it was very illuminating to actually get to do it and to make a map --- although RJacks "map" had them tunneling through about 30 feet of solid rock to make it all line up)