Log Software & Tools (Commercial/Free) PC

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New York
I created list of Log Book Software and Tools (Commercial/Free) for PC
If anyone is using something else please post :wink:

[Abyss Dive Logs]
[Aladin ADLT v1.64 build 355]
[Aladin Data Log v2.20]
[ALADIN DataTrak Utility DtakWin32 v8.25]
[Aladin LOG Editor v2.5.69.530]
[AladinX v1.5.1]
[Alpha Scuba Log v3.8.162]
[AquaLog v2.0]
[BlowWare Dive Log v1.1 BETA (Build 174)]
[Bubbles 32 - Divelog software for Windows 95]
[Computerized Diver's Log v1.0]
[Cressi PC-Logbook Konverter v0.6beta]
[DaCuda Recreational Dive Log]
[DAS v7.0.0.18 (DAN Data Acquisition Software)]
[Digital Dive Log v1.0.50]
[Dive Assistant v8.0.3294.30140]
[Dive Control v1.4]
[Dive Log Book v2.3.1]
[Dive Log Manager v2.4.13]
[Dive Log v0.1]
[Dive Talk v1.8]
[Dive v1.04]
[DIVE-LOG.INFO v2.23.67.914]
[DIVE-LOG.INFO Viewer v1.0.41]
[DiveData v2 r6.5.4.14]
[DiveKit - Dive Log & Planner]
[DiveLog Mesh]
[Divelog v1.1.85 For Citizen Hyper Aqualand]
[DiveMaster v1.0]
[DiveMaster v2.0]
[Diver LogBook v1.0]
[Diver's Log v1.2]
[DiveRite NiTek Extract Program v2.0]
[DiverLog v2.0]
[Divers Assistant v1.0.25]
[Divers LogBook v1.0]
[DiveTalk v1.8]
[DiveTime v4.01a]
[Divetools v0.0.5]
[DiveTracker Dive Log and Training Record v1.1]
[DiveTracker Dive Log and Training Record v2.0]
[diviac dive computer connector (DDCC) v1.3.0]
[Diving Log v6.0.15]
[DL - The Dive Log v1.5]
[Don's Free Dive Log]
[Dykloggen beta 3]
[eDiveSoftware v1.0.31.0]
[Expedition Log v2.02.0002]
[ExportDive v0.1b3]
[Freediving information from UDCF files]
[gdivelog v0.5.1]
[Giant Stride Instructors Assistant v1.2]
[Giant Stride Multimedia Divelog v2.3.2]
[Guardian Reader v1.56 (old UDCL)]
[GUE Dive Log v1.0.9]
[Hyperlog for Psion (3a&3c) v1.4d]
[IDL (Internet Dive Log) v0.71]
[InterDive v1.50]
[JDiveLog v2.18]
[JMLog v1.0.1]
[JPLOG v2.0]
[JtB Dive LogBook v2.7.0]
[JTrak2XML v1.0-beta-2]
[KDiveLog v0.1.2-4 Beta]
[kenozooid v0.17.0]
[libdivecomputer v0.6.0]
[log2pdb v1.7]
[Logbook Nurkowy v1.5]
[Logbuch v0.2]
[LogVyper v1.2]
[Loran & GPS Vault v3.3]
[Mares Iris & Drak Export]
[MemoMulot v5.14]
[Mosquitotools v0.1.2]
[MultiDeco Divelog Manager v2.67]
[My SCUBA Diary v2.1]
[Octopus Log v0.7.1]
[Paladin v4.35]
[PCDive v2.54]
[Personal Dive Log v3.2b]
[phpDivingLog v2.2 beta 8]
[Plong‚e v2.8]
[PowerDiveLog v1.3.00]
[ProFile Dive Log System]
[Project Genie v1.17]
[Rec Dive Log v3.5]
[S5Dive v1.7 (r4)]
[SCUBA Dive Log v2.0.4484.24763]
[Scuba Diving Buddies v6.0]
[Scuba Diving Calculators Dive Log v007]
[Scuba Diving Calculators v9.0]
[Scuba Diving Fish Photo Log v4.0]
[Scuba Diving Insurance v8.1]
[SCUBA Log v1.3]
[Scuba Toolkit v0.0.8]
[Scuba3 for S3 v2.1]
[ScubaBase (renamed to ScubaNotes)]
[ScubaBase HumMapper v2.1]
[ScubaBase v1.24]
[ScubaNotes v3.1]
[Scubase Dive Log v4.20]
[ScubaTrak Neptune v2.280208.124312]
[ScubaTrak v1.60.3.0705.19.32.00]
[Sea Wolff Dive Log v2.0]
[Sea Wolff Instructor Log v2.0]
[Sentinel Log Viewer v1.0.0.5]
[SharkPoint v2.1.0.40 DCU (Dive Computer Uplink)]
[SharkPoint v2.2.0.50]
[Shearwater Dive Log Manager v2.47]
[Subsurface v4.8.4]
[Suunto API]
[Suunto Communicator v2.0.4 RC1]
[Suunto Dive Manager on Linux v0.1]
[Suunto Dive Manager Report v0.5]
[Suunto Downloader v3.0.4 build 30]
[Suunto Eraser v3.3.0.4]
[Suunto Gekko Download v3.2.1]
[Suunto Resetter]
[Suunto Unbender Tool v1.0.2.0]
[Suunto USB Driver]
[Suunto Vyper Tauchprofil-Lader (TPL) v1.0.7]
[TauchLog v1.2]
[Tauchlogbuch v1.4]
[Tim's Recreational Dive Log v4.4.3.3]
[TLog v3.0]
[UDCL v1.06 [Universal Dive Computer Link]]
[V-Planner Live Divelog Manager v2.68]
[WinDiveBuddy Viewer v1.0.1]
[WLog v2.03h]
Never mind -- I missed this was for PCs, not Macs.
Hello Rygar, any chance you still have the (mares ) Guardian reader software? I'm looking for it to download the dives of my old Mares Guardian computer. Thans a lot!
Hello Rygar, any chance you still have the (mares ) Guardian reader software? I'm looking for it to download the dives of my old Mares Guardian computer. Thans a lot!
Sure. Have fun :wink:


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