Gas Mixers & Tools

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New York
Some time ago i was searching for good Gas Mixer. I thought that i'll find some kind of list where i'll be able to pick what i need:) It wasn't so easy so i created my own list.Maybe it'll be handy for someone :p
If anyone is using something different please leave a comment or PM me.
On this list there's no software like V-Planner, NAUTILUS etc which contains gas mixers included.

[(Excel) Bank Manager v3.0]
[(Excel) BB mixer]
[(Excel) Best Mix Spreadsheet Metric]
[(Excel) Compressor Utilities]
[(Excel) Contingues Blend Trimix]
[(Excel) Draeger Rebreather Calculator]
[(Excel) Expedition Gas Planner - metric]
[(Excel) Gas Blending Utility Spread Sheets]
[(Excel) Gas Wizard Metric]
[(Excel) HELIAIR selection table]
[(Excel) Heliair spreadsheets]
[(Excel) Hellas Rebreather Divers - MixedGasCalculations]
[(Excel) Lobster Lady's Emergency Helium Calculator]
[(Excel) Mix Calculator]
[(Excel) Mix Calculator E.R.D]
[(Excel) NASE Minimum Gas Reserve & SAC Rate Calculator]
[(Excel) Nitrox 'Have Want Need' Calculator v2]
[(Excel) Partial Pressures]
[(Excel) Real Gas Blender]
[(Excel) RockBottom v2.0]
[(Excel) SAC Calculator]
[(Excel) SCR-Calculations & Gas-Mix-Panel]
[(Excel) SPARE-AIR Gas Consumption Calculations]
[(Excel) Super Best Mix Spreadsheet]
[(Excel) Teckie Stuff v3.2E]
[(Excel) TRIMIX gas blend calculator]
[(Excel) Yet Another Gas Mix Calculator (YAGaMiC) v2.1]

[Blender v1.23]
[DIR WetNotes v1.1.3]
[Divers AirMate v1.0.0]
[Diving Calculator v1.0.0.0]
[DSAT Gas Mix Calculator v5.2]
[GAP Multibank gasmixer v1.1 Build 40]
[Gas Blender v1.0]
[Gas Calculator from DECOM v1.0.0.1]
[Gas Calculator v1.0]
[Gas Mixer v1.23]
[GASMIX v1.3 - Trimix & EANx Blending Calculator]
[GASMIX v2.1]
[GASMIX v3.0]
[GASMIX v5.4]
[GASMIX v6.0]
[GMP (Gas Management Program) v2.3.0]
[GUE Gas Management Program v2.5.3]
[HLP Blender v1.0.2685 (beta)]
[J-Gas Mixer v1.0.8]
[KompTec Gase mischen v2.01]
[MASTERMiX v1.8.034]
[MischgasRAB v1.2]
[MischgasVDST v2.1]
[Mix Calculator 1.0.3 (Beta)]
[MIX Manager v1.2]
[MixCalc v1.0 for Casio graph-calculators]
[MixMaster v2.00 (part of Voyager 2000 later)]
[NiTriMix v1.1]
[NITROX Blender v1.2.1]
[Nitrox Calculator v1.1.0]
[Nitrox Mischgasprogramm]
[Nitrox Rechner v0.0.1 LINUX]
[Nitrox Rechner v4.5]
[Nitrox v1.0]
[Nitrox v1.2]
[Nitroxrechner v4.81]
[OP-trimix (Trimix Opimizer) v3.0]
[PastoBlend v2.0.0]
[PP Mixer v3.0 for Windows]
[PPMC (Partial Pressure Mix Calculator) v0.2a]
[RAMPA - Pomocnik Gas Blendera v1.0]
[SAC Calculator]
[SAC Calculator v1.0]
[Scuba Calculations Beta v0.99h]
[Scuba Calculations v1.01]
[Scuba Diving Tools v0.1B]
[Scubamat v1.1]
[SimplyAquatics Blender v1.0.14]
[Tech Gas Blender v2016.01.04.21]
[Threcks Nitrox Calculator v1.30]
[Trimix by blending Heliox and Air v1.2]
[Trimix by blending Heliox and Air v1.4 for HP49G & HP48 calculator]

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