Local vis reports?

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nuh uh!!!!! *rolls eyes* I'm not hooked.

Ok...maybe. just a little hooked.

ok ok, really hooked! :D
Vis was pretty bad at Ogden Point this afternoon. -Only around 10 feet. One of the guys from the dive shop just got back from Willis Point and he said the vis was only a few inches all the way down to 85 feet where he gave up. Hyperlimits, hopefully you're not thinking of doing your usual Friday afternoon thing at Willis.
Just came back from Whytecliff. On the other side of the islet vis was OK after about 50 feet - maybe 20 30 feet or so. Came around the corner vis down to 10 or less even at 60 feet. The top 20 feet was maybe 5 feet. Pea soup.
I've heard that has been the norm for whytecliff for the past month. when I was diving Bowyer Island last weekend top 40 was ****e like maybe 4-5'. down to 80 was about 20ish'.. hope it gets better soon.
Is there ANYWHERE in the area that has decent viz right now? I am getting tired of not being able to see my hand out in front of me in the shallows. 6" of viz is no fun.
I am glad I haven't missed much then. My neck is getting better and I hope to get out again next week. I have to wait and see what my work schedule is also. What is the vis like at depth?
A bit of pea soup never hurt anyone :wink: It was a good dive last night despite the crappy viz up top :)

Deeper is going to be the way to go from here on I guess to be able to see anything. Les, we need you to come out and 'light it up' with your new canister :D
Was actually a good dive - saw a giant nudi before I got the camera deployed. Very cool. Wish I had been able to get a shot of it, but thought - there is one, not to worry there will be another - wrong.:D
Darnold: did any of those pictures turn out?? :)

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