The Solomon Islands still has great diving!
I have been going to the Solomons for the last 15 years, generally multiple times per year every year (except 2020 and 2021).
Covid hit the dive opperators hard as borders were closed for nearly 2 years and they were without any income so unfortunately it hurt them all and some have closed and left the country.
Both Dive Munda and Raiders in Tulagi have closed.
The good news is Danny and Kerrie are still running Dive Gizo.
Also if you go to Gizo its worth spending some time at Fatboys for a meal &/or drinks.
I believe Uepi Island Resort is still open.
Tulagi Dive (moved to mainland Honiara many years ago) is still running but not as big as it used to be. Troy was only hiring tanks (can organise deco gases) and lead and doing fills last time I was there but was trying to keep running and may now be doing more but you would need to check to get the latest updates.
I have to correct the above post as there are lots of options for shore diving in Honiara, easy to hire a car and dive off the beaches.
Also lots of active local expacts doing shore diving in Honiara.
Lots of WW2 wrecks, a plane, a submarine all are very easy to access. Including deeper wreck that starts at 5m and goes down the sandy slope to 55+m so can deco / safety stop on the reef with lots of fish life which means it does not get boring doing long dives.
Lots of WW2 history including an outdoor museum that is well worth visiting!
It is definetly worth adding some time before / after a liveaboard trip.
I have not been on either of the livaboards.
I had seen the Tarka liveaboard but I think Master changed the ships around years ago and I don't know much about them.
I do know Dave the manager of the Bilikiki and it has always had great reviews from everyone I know that has been on it.