Local IHOP Discriminates against US Armed Services Personnel

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I would like to say "THANKS" to all those vets out there. Most of my family was never in a war, mostly for health reasons.
GeekDiver, my local IHOP has been known for discriminating against more than just service people, hence I don't eat there. It is pretty sad that those who fight/fought for our freedom are being screwed. I have several friends that are in Iraq now and their employers are holding their jobs. One other has returned and is back to work and his replacement is staying as well. Sometimes we may not see the justice but it will come around sooner or later.
I belong to a union and when someone in our local is sent out their monthly dues are paid for them, as well as their insurnace if they have a family. Just one of the ways that we take care of our "brothers and sisters".
Though not in the service yet, I will get a commision as a 2LT in the Army once I finish school in a year. I was thinking your son should contact the local JAG officer. A JAG officer is a military lawyer. He would know the laws regarding this issue and it is his job to help your son. I definately think this is a battle worth fighting. Many service members will start running into this problem. We might as well start fighting it now as opposed to waiting.

What concerns me, is those that say "So what! It was just a job at IHOP." If one company can get away with it, what stops someone else from following that example now that the precedence has been set. After all if one company can do it why can't they all.

Semper Fi,
Cuda- This thread was almost dead for a very good reason. The original poster made some comments that had to be censored. You seem intent on lighting the flame again.

Sndt1319- When you are actually in the military proper, I think you will discover how foolish your suggestion is. First off this person hasn't even gone to Basic yet. He was on his way to his first MEPS appointment. He presumable still has months of delayed entry ahead of him until boot camp. That said how do you think his recruiting command is going to feel about a potential army recuit either a) whining about a his job and wanting to talk to JAG or worse b) finding out that one of their recruits went outside of the chain of command and contacted a JAG officer?

I don't know about the Army these days, but in Marine Corps it would be untolerated.

BTW- I can't help but wonder if this kid hasn't already found another part time job and is long past worrying about this.
Chrpai- The only reason I suggested the JAG officer is that I know the Guard in Oregon is already concerned about this issue. Of course you should go through your chain of command. And there IS a difference between whining and seeking advice.
You and I know 'of course' you go through your chain of command, but I wouldn't assume this young enlistee knows that. The difference between whining and seeking advice is more pronounced as you gain rank. At such a boot stage its best to just keep your mouth shut. A passing comment to the recruiter like 'Sgt, I thought I'd update you on my employment status, I was told that I was being let go since I was joining the Army. Well atleast I'll have more time to focus on becoming a soldier!!" and then see if the recruiter bites and reccomends legal assistance.

BTW I just remembered something. Isn't one of the things they ask you is if you are a party to any legal actions? I think if you answer yes you can be put on legal hold.

From one vet to another, I'm with you and your fine son all the way. I would go all the way in prosecuting this turd (IHOP mgr). I would strongly suggest you find out the owner and make it clear what happened (+ tape it). Make an example out of them (legally) so other unpatriotic scum will be slow to follow.

It may be an entry level job. But it doesnt matter how much it was for. If they can discriminate against your boy for minimum wage, they can discriminate against any vet for any amount of money.

What they did is illegal. And contrary to what others have said the military does take these things seriously.

If someone has a problem with your pursuing this matter I suggest they move thier unpatriotic ass somewhere else. Like france.
I hope no MODS move this thread to the Humor section. This kid deserves better treatment from that particular restaurant and I hope he pursues it as long as he wishes.
Not to hijack your thread but I similar thing happened/ is happening to a good friend of mine. After joining the ARMY National Guard and completing 8 months of training this guy, our solider, is fighting the university system in California to establish residency. While they consider active duty military residents, they don't consider the California national guard enough military for California residency. Never mind the fact that he spent 8 months in training, never mind the whole active duty, constant training part of the job and never mind the fact that he can be called to Iraq or any other place in the world with no notice, the fact that he doesn't meet someone's idea of what is military disqualifies him for residency. I know all of the sayings about weekend warriors but as many have said, serving your country is serving your country. Bottom line, we live in a two tier-world and sometimes things come up that are simply wrong: there are people who want the military to be there for them but they don't like the people in it or the idea of the institution? Personally I've got two nice pieces of paper telling the world how much I know about Politics and Sociology but what four years taught me is that people like to avoid reality and believe their own little fantasies about how the world can work.

My advice, follow up with everyone you can. -- Recruiter, friends/family who are still serving, news, anyone who wants to listen should hear the story, it only takes one person to reach the right person.
Tech admin, the rules for instate tuition are usually very clear. they were set up to discourage people from simply changing their mailing address the year before enrolling in school. it has nothing to do with your service in the natl guard or active duty. i think your barking up the wrong tree. when i went to school many of my friends were in the SC nat'l guard. that didnt make them SC citizens. nor does serving on active duty make you a US citizen. i served with a handful of non-US citizens. why it might not seem fair that he cant get CA citizenship i dont follow your argument; "While they consider active duty military residents, they don't consider the California national guard enough military for California residency." while perhaps his service should be considered for citizenship, as far as i know it never is. might not be fair but CA isnt doing and injustice to a servicemen.

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