Local IHOP Discriminates against US Armed Services Personnel

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The Grandfathers became farmers after getting out so that may account for the change.

Ahhh... I've been on a couple trips like that; avowed athiests falling to their knees praying...
The Coast Guard has the best food, though they're usually the ones to get screwed first when the budget cuts come around. The things those guys could do with duct tape.
Have to be careful about that changing MOS thing, once they have ya, they own ya. It's best to get into a slot right away where you'll be comfy spending a few years.
I always gave vets preferance when I was hiring, if its any consolation.
Geekdiver I can understand where you are coming from. As Martin Luther King said, "An injustice anywhere is a threat against justice everywhere."

I'm a Vietnam Vet. When I got out I got married and bingo we had 4 kids. I worked hard and put all 4 kids through college. After this I figured I had time to go back to college. I went to the VA to get my college money that I earned in Vietnam and they said that I was too old.

I went through the Congressman BS. Of course they were no help. I paid for the my college degree out of my retirement money, so to speak. Coca-Cola Company did give me an educational grant based on my community service.

So drink COKE- it's the real thing!! (but not at IHOP. lol)
OK, the manager of the shop acted like a butthead, has anyone contacted HIS boss or the main office?? They might not think the same way.
I'd be pissed off at the manager too if I was your son. I'd also be embarrassed that my dad had to go to bat for me but I understand it. What I am not sure of is the reasoning for asking that all IHOP's be boycotted. I tell you what: I'll avoid like hell the one on Highway 6 near W Little York until you've told us that the have satisfied your son. I'll also punch Sam in the nose if I see him. OK?
I'm with you..... These laws are here to protect you, use them. My husband is in the AF reserves and is self employed. There are NO protections in place for the self employed. And as such, he has no benefits etc.... when he can't work because he is called to active duty... we are out of luck. So, no IHOP for us and go for it!!!
Fortunatly I work for a very progressive company. I no longer have any reserve obligation, but if I did they will give full benefits and bridge the gap in salary. Also if I was gay ( which I am not ) they provide benefits to qualified domestic partners. Also preferential hiring is given to veterans, in fact being a veteran is what got me in the business. A former GySgt friend of mine had retired and brought me over when my enlistment was up.

It sucks now, but one day this young mans service will work for him, not against him.

Isn't it amazing!! I'm not believing what I'm reading posted by some of these persons.
Pepole just don't want to fight for what is right. it's either too much triuble or they just plain don't have the guts!!

The reality is he was fired. aparently without cause. That won't prevent them from inventing cause after the fact. Just my humble opinion. I'll snd you a PM

Cuda, Sometimes the benefit of fighting for what is right is not worth the fight. Everyone has to do their own evaluation of that and they may come up with different answers.

I think the kid should raise a ruckus till he is satisfied. I just don't see the arguement for boycotting IHOP around the country. This happened in Texas and you don't see anyone saying that all Texans are against tthe military and we should boycott the state, right?
some fights all you do is make a lawyer rich...

not worth it

(but that's up to the person to decide)
Always two sides to every story. However. if the shoe was on the foot of some of these self rightous posters, I wonder how bloody their hearts would really be??

I guess if the world was really full of wishey washey lawyers, nothing would ever get done. I still know a few that have GUTS!! No thats not true, I know quite a few.

Geek, I'm done!


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