local Houston club attendance question

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Scuba Barbie

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Houston, Texas
Wednesday night I attended a meeting of BAD (Bay Area Divers) in Clear Lake. There was a nice presentation on CENOTES. Anyone belong to this group?

How about HUPS? Anyone ever attend one of the Houston U/W Photo meetings?
We belong(ed) to B.A.D. Most of the folks are really nice and they do have several cool programs a year. Maybe we just aren't club people but the club activities never appealed to us much. We thought we'd meet people to dive with locally but most of the members only dive on trips or cruises. They plan picnics and kayak races, etc. I've met and dived more with TSDT members in the last few months than I have any club members in the last few years!

I've never been to a HUPS meeting although I want to. Where we live puts most mid-week meetings too far to get to in time.
Barbie, I also once belonged to BAD as well is Houston Underwater Club (HUC). Like Dee, I joined with the hopes that I would meet some people to dive with locally but the majority of the members in both clubs will only dive on "blue-water" trips. Personally, I like to dive at the local spots if only for the practice and keep my diving skills fresh.
I've never been to a BAD Meeting but am a member of HUC and have been for several years. I enjoy the meetings but have never found anyone who wants to local dive. Seems the focus is on trips. I am going on a HUC trip to Cozumel over labor day, but the trip leader is a co-worker and his wife who used to work there is going plus two other employees at work. So its sort of a partial group from work plus I know some of the other people. As I told Beast I was glad to link up with TSDT to find someone to dive with locally. Owning all this equipment and only going out a few times a year would be a total waste. A guy I know wants to come on out but is waiting on doctor clearance after a ruptured eardrum at Cozumel over Memorial Day. Maybe next weekend.

Went to Blue Lagoon Friday and Saturday with Stress and Rescue class friend of mine was instructing. Visibility was zilch. Fun anyway. See y'all soon.

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