Fifteen years or so ago I new a guy on Long Island who started lobstering on his own after working on someone else's boat. He "lost" a bunch of traps the first week, his solution, he spent the day cutting the buoys off everyone else’s pots .... he was never bothered again.
Yup, no territorial in fighting there.
I knew a former deckhand on one of the offshore lobster boats who had similar stories. He got out of the business but he said one of the tricks the captain he worked for liked to use if he thought someone was fishing in his turf was to "take their pots for a ride." He'd haul a string of pots up (several pots connected by a line with a float on each end of the string), take the lobsters, move the pots maybe a mile and then drop them and cut the floats. This would make it impossible to drag for the lost pots and recover them.
There are definitely some nasty rivalries and feuds in that industry.
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