My wife had herself a pretty good day of hunting. We were diving the Outer Cape, where this monster male is perfectly legal. Went back two weeks later and I caught one almost as big but when we got it to the boat we realized that it was a female (no eggs or notch but still probably a breeder) so we notched her tail and tossed her back. Needless to say, Alice is pretty happy, and I haven't heard the end of it. "Who caught the biggest lobster of this, or any other year? Oh ya, that would be me!"
They grow so fast, one minute you are burping them on your shoulder and the next minute they are borrowing the keys to the car.
He would have been the starting linebacker for his college team next year but the entire team had an untimely and unfortunate accident, they all tripped and fell into a 15 gallon boiling pot of water while drinking some of my homemade Chardonnay.
They grow so fast, one minute you are burping them on your shoulder and the next minute they are borrowing the keys to the car.
He would have been the starting linebacker for his college team next year but the entire team had an untimely and unfortunate accident, they all tripped and fell into a 15 gallon boiling pot of water while drinking some of my homemade Chardonnay.