living barnacles in the body

where to get help help with barnicles living in your body

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The case is actually 8 years old and he has changed hospitals, but if the tissue samples can be retrieved I would like to try to get them to the Duke Marine Lab for analysis. I'm a little skeptical too but I do not believe that this story is fabricated.

I'm not suggesting the story was fabricated, more likely a mistaken identification of the parasite. Likewise, I'd be interested in hearing what you find.
I have a friend who believes that cancer is caused by animal cells growing in your body. Apparently, if you eat meat, some cells survive and can prosper and multiply. The theory sure fits with some Hawaiians believing that corals can grow into you body, if you scratch your knee, for example, against a coral.
I have a friend who believes in chemtrails and that vaccines are bad for you. Other than that, she is pretty smart.
I have another friend who believes microwave ovens make food carcinogenic. She also hires a Voodoo witch every once in a while to debug her hubby's brain when they have an argument.This long-distance treatment always works and no side effects were ever reported.
I have a cousin who believes in chemtrails too. I also have a friend who keeps his thoughts to himself until he has something worthwhile to contribute to a conversation. Until this is proven or debunked scientifically, I will remain skeptical while still believing the word of a trained surgeon and the pathology lab of his hospital. I will not belittle a fellow medical professional who stands by his statements.

Best regards,
I'm sorry if I thought that levity was called for. I have no feelings one way or another regarding barnacles growing in the body or not. If not, it made for great reality TV, and I hope Discovery Channel generated some bodacious advertising revenue. If so, an interesting anecdote and more reason not to fall down while diving or surfing, as if any more reason was ever needed.

I personally appreciate that you are actually looking into this. Too many people in the world believe too much of what they see on television, including chemtrails that change weather patterns, that vaccines cause autism, and that voodoo is needed following an argument. But this is the internet, where anyone can be an expert just by hiding behind a curtain of anonymity and stating that something is so.

So please, keep up the good work. There are many of us who may be more polite than I am and not cracking wise waiting to see the results of your investigation. And we truly are interested in the outcome. And we truly appreciate the effort you are going to to provide (as Paul Harvey says) the rest of the story.
Having foreign bodies (in this case a piece or broken pieces of barnacles & parasites / bacteria that were on the barnacle) in the foot & you have an infection caused by the foreign bodies would be more likely story in this case, not living barnacle.

I was once accidentally got poked by urchin when I stepped on one of many pot holes in the 1000-step dive site in Bonaire while trying to get into the water. The urchin spike went through my soft-sole shoe & imbedded into my foot. I had to completely & thoroughly remove the urchin spike out of my foot. The bottom of my foot was sore for a couple of week after, but thank God there was not much of infection afterwards.

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