I got the following guidelines to minimize the potential virus spreading in the LOB:
“Nautilus COVID-19 safe travel practices
The following practices are based on the International Maritime Organization (IMO) requirements for joining a ship. Compliance is mandatory on Nautilus ISM safety management system certified ships. Please call or email our operations desk with any questions, comments or concerns...
General Measures
• Comply with standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene:
• e.g. hand-washing using the 20-second hand-washing rule with hot water and soap
• Use of hand-sanitizer
• Avoid touching your face, particularly eyes, nose, mouth with your hands to prevent from getting infected
• Cough/sneeze into the bend of your elbow
• If you use a tissue, discard of it properly and wash/sanitize your hands immediately etc.
• Avoid close contact with anyone who is or appears unwell or shows COVID-19 symptoms (e.g. cough, fever, etc.).
• Maintain a WHO recommended social distance of at least 1 metre (3 feet) between yourself and others.
• Wear a mask in all public areas
• Avoid shaking hands, do not share food, drink, utensils etc.
Preboarding Guidelines: before you leave your place of residence
• Be sure to monitor your health before leaving to travel to join us on the ship.
• Check your temperature twice daily and keep records for 7 days before travel and inform us if you show any symptoms.
• Inform us if you have tested positive for COVID-19 or show any symptoms before leaving to travel to join the ship.
• Make arrangements to bring the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) sufficient to cover the period of travel
to the ship.
Practices while at the airport/ on the aircraft:
• Arrange transportation to/from the airport that minimizes contact with other persons, such as trusted private provider. Avoid using public transportation.
• Wear PPE as instructed for the duration of travel as far as practicable (e.g. mask and gloves, etc.)
• Carry and handle your own luggage to the extent possible.
• Keep all relevant documents required for travel, in a bag or compartment that can be easily accessed to be
disinfected later.
• Maintain social distancing onboard the flight when possible, and sit with appropriate seat spacing, as arranged by
the airline or cabin crew on board the aircraft.
• Limit exposure to aircraft crew during in-flight service and other passengers when using the facilities when
Local hotel stay:
• Pay special attention to social distancing, hygiene and PPE requirements at the hotel.
• Maintain temperature checks twice daily and keeping a record.
• Continue to handle your own luggage at the hotel.
• Consider declining daily room cleaning service.
Nautilus COVID-19 safe travel practices
Prior to boarding one of our ships
• Properly dispose of any single-use PPE used during travel (only that which cannot be washed/disinfected).
• We will provide complimentary health checks before boarding (e.g. having your temperature taken at the time of embarkation, reviewing mandatory temperature records, being tested for COVID-19 if suitable test kits are
available etc.)
• Please wear a mask in all public spaces.
• We will arrange for disinfection of your luggage and dive gear at our hospitality suite.
Onboard our ships
• Practice shipboard self-distancing (SSD), as far as possible, that might include:
• Avoiding all non-essential contact or close proximity with others on board
• All spaces on the ships including your stateroom will have been disinfected with vital oxide application by
fogging machines. Minimum 1 week hold time.
• Staggered meal service, dive and safety briefings, dive times.
• Please wear a mask in all public spaces including dive skiffs.
• We will issue sanitized individual second stage regulators on all white shark trips.
• Option to decline or limit daily room cleaning service.
• Crew assistance with buffet meal service and drinks.
• Use the designated space for your equipment
• Wearing appropriate PPE and disposal of single-use PPE worn onboard prior to disembarkation.”