The weather sucks. I was really looking forward to this. Next time, I guess...
I was looking forward to this all week - but saftey first. Anybody up for a reschedule? But it is a long drive for what is shaping up to not such a good dive. I can't wait till next time and finally get to meet some of you guys. Anybody doing anything tomorrow?
Personally, I have plans for tomorrow. Additionally, I'm thinking the rocks aren't going to be cleared out by tmrw. So if anyone does do anything, it will have to be a spring.
So I take it we're not meeting at the Rocks today. Is everyone going to try and go tomarrow?
I was heading out there, just to meet with those that may not have checked the board, but it was so bad just a couple miles from there I couldn't fathom anyone being there ready to dive so I just turned on around.
If I can get my van back before 10, I'm heading for D. Den... I've got to get wet somewhere....
does anyone know if Paradise Spring is open today???
Hudson Grotto is supposed to be having a huge anniversary party today, FWIW.
I told you guys all of this yesterday and that the weather was crap....its an electrical storm going on now with my trash can blowing down the street. Viz is less than one foot as I stated. Bring boogie boards and have fun. Why dive in this crap. You all can still have alot of fun.
That would have been on the 6th that you thought it might be bad, based on your dive the previous Sunday ( Please keep in mind, conditions are ever changing

Typically, I will read reports from those that have been around the board for a while, whose reports, over time, I have found to be reliable. I also check w/ NOAA and often will get a visual for myself. Please note, too often NOAA is way off the mark. Today, clearly they weren't :sad:
Anywho, we still plan on heading out the Zeagle event tonight for those that are interested :multi::