Little diver to be

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Maybe a first aid course as well....good for diving and for the little diver to be?
thanks but I have already taken a Dive accident responce tech course and an equip repair course.
Thanks for your congrats. I am very excited about becoming a mother.
I guess I'll just have too take up something else for 9 months.
I guss I can still snorkel...but that is just a
thanks again

The nesting instinct will kick in soon and that will divert some energy.

Congratulations, you life will be richer for it.

Hey All
I just found out I will be land locked for awhile. I'm pregnant!!!!
Which I am over come with joy, but I am getting bored my life is basically diving working on gear, planning dives and more diving. And I am finding the transition to land support hard. I am actually finding myself getting jealous of my husband going on all of the dives. I know there are other women out there who have gone through this and how they dealt with it. I have a hard time being surface support because I feel like I'm missing out. and studying new dive books makes me want to plan dives. Heck I can't even go on a dive boat with my husband because now that I'm pregnant I get sea sick. any words of advice will be greatly appreciated. thank you. :babycrawl

Congratulations! My wife is expecting our first, and is about 6.5 months along in her pregnancy. We're having a boy and we already got him a little onesie/jumpsuit that says "Daddy's Little Dive Buddy" on the front of it, LOL. Can't wait until he's old enough to start diving with me! :D
Congratulations! My wife is expecting our first, and is about 6.5 months along in her pregnancy. We're having a boy and we already got him a little onesie/jumpsuit that says "Daddy's Little Dive Buddy" on the front of it, LOL. Can't wait until he's old enough to start diving with me! :D

That must have been a custom embroidery job, right?

Now you just need the bottles with the comfort-bite mouthpieces.

Oh and congratulations to you two too!

Congratulations! My wife is expecting our first, and is about 6.5 months along in her pregnancy. We're having a boy and we already got him a little onesie/jumpsuit that says "Daddy's Little Dive Buddy" on the front of it, LOL. Can't wait until he's old enough to start diving with me! :D

I bet that's absolutely adorable!!
I would first like to thank everyone for there nice words and thoughts,
I have not been on for awhile because unfortunatly I had a misscarriage
I was down in the dumps, but I realize it just wasn't meant to happen at this time, but when the time is right I will be blessed with a little one.
It has been about 1 month now since it happened and I'm back in the water again.
Thank you again.
oh, i am so sorry... my wife has had two miscarriages, and they were both very tough on her

hang in there, and take care of yoruself ....

all the best

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