scubacowboy:Just remember 2 words when considering dive gear like regs "LIFE SUPPORT", Price should be considered but not the main factor in choosing this type of gear.
The gear I use I bought new in 1990. It is Oceanic. I have spent 125.00 every year servicing it. Do the math.
Now, if I were to sell it I might get 50.00 or so bucks for it. Does this make it dangerous for the new buyer to use it? It has been supporting my life why wouldn't it continue to do so?
I bought a MK25t/S600t that retails for 1200.00 for 400.00 bucks!!! I am going to spend close enough to the same to service it as the Oceanic. Free parts? = Higher Labor in alot of cases. I feel i am ahead of the game. Do some homework
There are NO COPYCATS/PHONIES in the reg game. to expensive and not enough demand to justify.
Are there DISCONTINUED stuff that you cant get parts for? Yes. Do some homework.
The arguement you might hear is that through "warrenty cards" that is how you are notified of a recall or defect. But it is also how you end up on every mailing list known to man and the advent of the "spam" folder for your Email.. Do some homework
So, In the name of SAFETY do some homework. Here is a link that WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE!