Well, even if he owns tanks, he still needs to visit the LDS to get them filled, unless he has his own fill station. Renting a tank vs owning a tank and taking it in to get filled isn't much more inconvenient. I'm going with cost/break even scenarios. I'm also assuming that more often than not, for North East dives, a dive light will be used more often than not:
Just going from the only LDS near me that rents both doubles and cannister lights:
Single tank rental Alum 80, LP 95 (DIN or yoke) hp 100, 120 with H valve $15.00
Double tank rental (lp 80s, 95s 104s or alum 80s with gas fill) $30.00
Cannister light rental $50.00
Cost savings per dive for owning your double vs renting - $30.00 if he really needs double al 80's, ro 15 if he can get by with a HP120 with an H valve.
Cost of doubles with manifold : 600.00 (Assumption since that's what he has to spend, can be more or less depending on new/used/exact tank/manifold)
Dives to break even - 20 for manifold doubles, 40 for single with H valve
Cost savings per dive for owning Cannister light vs renting - $30.00
Cost of cannister light : 600.00 (Again, assumption since that's what he has to spend, can be mroe or less epending on new/used/model/make of cannister light)
Dives to break even - 12
Mathmatics may differ for your LDS' prices.