Light advice

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My price range is up to about $900 right now. But can be adjusted some depending on what comes across my plate. So a new 21W HID may be out of my reach unless I up the ante some.
check out HOG 21W HID, it is made by Light Monkey. More than $900, but not much. Jim is HOG dealer, one of the greatest IMO. Definitely give him a call.
One light that has caught my attention is the Hollis 15W LED light. Does anyone have any experience with this light? It has a 6* beam width, which was one of the main features for me.
I don't have in-water with LED lights other than my MB-Sub, but have fondled a bunch of LED light at BTS. My anecdotal, non-scientific observation has been that the Quoted LED light beam angles for many lights don't really "show up" in "shine on the ceiling" tests.

LED light design is tough in the sense that the LED light source is an "area" where HID lights are more of a "point" source of lights. Also, LED chips sit in the bottom of the reflector where the HID light source is "suspended" in the reflector. As such it is much easier to design a narrow beam with little spill when using HID bulbs.

LED lights using only a reflector will often have quite a bit of spill and a spot wider than I personally like for signaling. The spill from such a design will add to the backscatter you'll experience as well. Some LED lights use a lens to help gather the light and narrow down the beam. Unfortunately the size of the LED chip in relation to the diameter of the lens limits how narrow that beam can be.

... and the point of those ramblings is - unless you have a chance to compare an LED light to a known narrow-beam HID light, I'd be hesitant.

The good news: you budget should easily allow you to pick up a good used HID can light :)
Many LED Lenses are solid lenses such that the lens acts as a fiber optic rather than a reflector. At least that's the way the lens in my light is. The downside to that is they arn't adjustable without replacing the lens. Pros to LED are they aren't as fragile as HID either, LEDs last longer, I can change the brightness of the LED. I get between 2.5 - 10 hours per charge vs my friends mere 45 min - 1.25 for his lights. Though my dad and I designed the light from the ground up so there's no name behind it. However at least a few other people on this board have seen it. I have poor video of it but working on getting better video.

40 Watt, ~600 - ~2400 Lumen based on settings, 1/4 Al housing for battery and light head.
One company that has not been mentioned is "Watershot". Take a look at them online. Initially, I was looking for a cannister light as well and ran across these. The features that got my attention were the smaller sized battery packs and the coiled cable from the battery to the lamp head. Price wise, I believe they are within the range you are looking.
I've gotten great results from the old Salvo 21w HID I picked up for $400, in the kind of conditions you're looking for (low viz wreck penetrations). I like LEDs fine for my backups, but their simplicty and lack of bulb failures doesn't (IMO) justify foregoing the laser-like punch of a good HID. YMMV.

Salvo is no more, but Light Monkey has been unbelievably awesome in the service department. Recently had a minor flood of the lid due to a small cord cut; emailed LM, sent it back to them, week or so after it got there I got a call from Corey explaining they'd taken care of fixing up the light for a very, very reasonable charge. We also discussed some battery issues as my old light has an unusual battery pack...I hope not to need a new battery and charger yet, but if I do I'm buying them from LM.

My next light will also be a LM... looking forward to the added punch of a 35w HID :d
and the coiled cable from the battery to the lamp head. Price wise, I believe they are within the range you are looking.

Just a thought - if it applies to your diving; a coiled cable could make for a *really* bad day if you're doing dives that require running line.

The downside to that is they arn't adjustable without replacing the lens.

The MB-Sub has an adjustable Fresnel lens, which allow for beam adjustment from 8° - 36°. That's actually one of my favorite things about the light. That, and that the wide beam is very smooth and even without "black holes".

I don't know of any other LED light that allows beam adjustment like that.
Watershot does have a straight cable also.
I run the coiled cord over my shoulder and down my arm and its never gotten tangled in anything, but people like to tell me how dangerous it is..... I like how this prevents me from having a fixed length straight cord dangling around.

I don't dive caves or wreck penetrations so ... not much to get tangled on since I am also not crawling along the bottom thru the reef.

But if you like straight cables you can get those also with them so you can choose your cable type and length and not be forced to use a cable of their choice.
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