Life beyond Sprog

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Cornwall, UK
I'm pregnant and starting to get annoyed (not being in the water for 4 months doesn't help)

All my non diiving friends, who have children keep telling me that my diving life will be over once the baby is born. That I won't have the time or the energy to dive and when I disagree with them they lok at me with that

"You'll see" look on their face.

Is there ANYBODY out there who has found that life does continue post baby (also how soon can I get back in the water)

I have a very supportive husband but I need some reassurance!



First off, congratulations on your pending bundle of joy. May you have a safe, healthy pregnancy resulting in a healthy, happy baby.

I can imagine that the required period away from diving is difficult, but don't forget that you can always swim and snorkel if the Scuba withdrawls get too bad.

I don't think your diving life after baby will be non-existant. I personally know quite a few people who have small children and continue to dive, even taking diving vacations. I have some very good articles on the subject at Women in Scuba. Check them out, I am sure they will give you some piece of mind and hope for the future.

Good luck and, once again, congratulations.

You and I could be new best friends! I too and pregnant and not diving right now. When are you due? I am due 12/19/02.

The worst is hearing your husband talk about diving and not choking him.

I do not agree with your nondiving friends that our diving life is over. In fact I am reading an interesting book right now about maintaining your personal independence while being a mother. In the book they suggest that the healthest, happiest kids are the ones whose parents do not rearrange their lives and careers to have children. Children are more independent and fulfilled when they existance complements their parents pre-baby lives. This is not to say that we aren't going to experience some livestyle changes because I am sure we will but we don't have to become mindless baby drones whose whole life is our children.

The book also stresses the importance of both parents being actively involved in raising the baby in order for both parents to remain fulfilled. You mention that your husband is very supportive. Mine is also. If they take active 50% roles in parenting, then why would either of you have to give up diving. You might not get to dive as a buddy team as often but you should both be able to dive and alternate surface intervals.

My biggest concern is when can the baby travel out of the country to places like Belize and Bonaire? I think they need to be a year or so to get all the required travel shots. I hope my little one has a very active passport by the time he/she starts kindergarten!

:bunny: KC_Scubabunny :bunny:
My "children" are 25, 20, and 15. There was a period of around 10-15 years that were full of dance lessons, recitals, violin lessons, concerts, church, soccer practice, tournaments, etc. The only hobbies I found time for were needlework and reading, things that could be done while I was sitting around waiting on my children. I could not have done it without my very active, helpful husband. He took one kid in one direction, while I took the other two. Perhaps it would be different if one had fewer children.

I also had a careeer and continued my education. So I believe my children saw me as an independent spirit, not just their mom.

I think it is a great idea to take them with you where ever you go. I did, and therefore my offspring are comfortable in fancy restaurants, hotels or underwater.

Anyway, I found the time I sacrificed was a joy. No regrets.

Now that they are mostly grown, I have taken up hobbies (diving) and started a second honeymoon with my husband.

Life does continue, but your priorities do change. Good luck, the best is yet to come.

Congratulations on your impending parenthood.

I'm not a Mom but I have several very active friends who have continued to dive after having children. Most didn't dive until their babies were around 6 months old, they did enjoy other activities besides water sports. We live about 40 min. from dive sites and I'm sure this was a factor.

We mainly dive around Monterey CA. There is a lot for non-divers to do here too. My diving friends would have our non-diving friends babysit while they dove. The sitter would take the kids to the Aquarium or play on the beach with them. The moms would nurse during their surface interval.

As far as taking babies out of the country -- one friend took her first son to Baja when he was 3 weeks old. This same son went to Egypt when he was a year old. Now they have another baby and he's been to Baja several times, to the Grand Caymans and Palau. It can be done. Their dad is very supportive too.

Most of my friends take group trips and/or pay for a family member to join them who is willing to babysit. We're going to Cozumel at the end of this week with friends who also have two children (4yr & 16 mo.). There are two teens going on this group trip and they have agreed to babysit, for a fee. I'm hoping I can help watch the kids too -- they're a lot of fun. I don't charge.

I think something that helps is that we've spent a lot of time around these children and know how they behave. Everyone knows if these parents are going on the trip their children are too. It hasn't scared anyone away!

From what I've seen my friends do I'd say you'll be able to get back in the water. It'll just take more planning and you may have to calculate in the cost of a babysitter.

I wish you an uneventful pregnancy and a healthy baby.


Thanks guys, it seems that there is light at the end of the tunnel and I have to say that it is nice to hear some positive things rather than the diet of "life is over" that I have been getting from my non diving friends.

I'm due on 29.12.02 (12.29.02 US dates) so KC - you and me both will be having an eventfully Xmas. Good luck by the way! At least we have the rest of the winter to get fit again.



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