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Where is that mural? I saw it a few days ago but I don't remember where it was. It is somewhere along Melgar, isn't it?
It is off of 65 by the two ships in the middle of the road.
There is an entire block of murals.
There was a street party with bands and artists painting live.


I have many photos and videos taken from that same table in the restaurant. Some are from just a few days ago. Heavy sigh...
Great shot of Jorge on the Blue Angel dock; I really miss diving with him.

A couple of years ago my wife and I were diving the canyon section of Cedral, and to our left we could see bubbles coming from another group diving the wall on the other side of the ridge from us. When the ridge ended in that flat area before the hills start, the other group reached that point at the same time as we did, and who should we see leading them but Jorge (his gear and his stance in the water are unmistakeable), whom we had not seen in a long time. He recognized us as well, so there were high fives and underwater hugs all around.
I have many photos and videos taken from that same table in the restaurant. Some are from just a few days ago. Heavy sigh...

Great shot of Jorge on the Blue Angel dock; I really miss diving with him.

A couple of years ago my wife and I were diving the canyon section of Cedral, and to our left we could see bubbles coming from another group diving the wall on the other side of the ridge from us. When the ridge ended in that flat area before the hills start, the other group reached that point at the same time as we did, and who should we see leading them but Jorge (his gear and his stance in the water are unmistakeable), whom we had not seen in a long time. He recognized us as well, so there were high fives and underwater hugs all around.
AMAZING!! I love that guy and we always try and do at least one trip with him every visit. A few trips back I was on Santa Rosa with BA (on a rare trip without my daughter) and Jorge swam up to me to say hello and give a hug. He was very confused about 'where is your buddy??'. Was hard to explain underwater that I was on a solo trip since the offspring had started her big kid job. Makes you feel 'special' to be soloed out underwater and worth the effort to come say hello to for sure!

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