detroit diver:She could have been diving WAY over her head and still ascended if it were not for that reef hook attached to her BC.
She could have been at 40m in a raging current, mask off, panicked, dropped weight belt and embolised on the way up - fact remains she was diving beyond her ability
If you read through this thread you will see anyone who has dived with a reef hook explaining it is actually quite a useful device, the nay sayers have never used one and never even seen one. If you dont like Reef hooks dont get one and stay away from the areas where diving with one is useful.
The fact she was hooked to the reef may have prevented her ascent, however the most likely cause is that she was diving out of her "depth" and panicked. Importantly had not been properly evaluated by the DM's as to the level of supervision she needed. IE let her dive with buddy, direct supervison by DM or not let her dive at all. She could just as easily been at 40m in a raging current, mask off, panicked and dropped weight belt then embolised on the way up - ascent is not the best solution in diving that is a golden rule, if you have a problem you need to fix it down there.
I dont know the numbers of divers who dive Palau every year, thousands proabably, but this is one instance of a reef hook used improperly which resulted in a very unfortunate accident.