OMG, you recommended a $700 light for someone that started his post with "I am a new diver..." That seems a bit excessive don't you think.
Yes, thats right. I did it with few good reasons based mainly on my personal experience.
So ... first of all Marcus didn't really picked his price range so I've chosen the mid-shelve light, from there you can move towards more expensive or even less.
Why canister light and not the plastic cheaper temporary one ? There we go ...
When you start diving you don't really know how much, how often and what kind of diving you will do, right ? So here is the solution, led canister light that I've proposed to Marcus will be used from dive # 1 to dive # 1000000000 regardless type of dive.
With every dive we want more of it and mostly deeper, longer etc which very often brings us to the point of crossover to the mixed type or pure technical diving and what light we use then ? Still exact same light you purchased by your let's say 10-th dive ! If it comes to these lights they cost more but hold its value a LOT longer then any other light (especially cheap plastic one produced in billions of pieces flooding eBay etc). So Marcus, I did it ... it mean I was buying cheaper, good ones but plastic ones, without any plan and in result I was selling what I just bought (sometimes after 1-2 months) for not even half price because the things I was buying served only one type of diving. In conclusion, buying cheaper doesn't mean smarter and really cheaper in longer run, especially in sport like diving when every dive is so different. Not every piece of equipment will serve accordingly but light for sure !
If you don't wanna spend more then $200 and still have the light that once (right now at the beginning of your dives) will be your primary and soon on your more serious dives still will be used as well by secondary or back up consider this one:
3XPG LED Dive Back Up Light by Light For Me More light then 3 LED Princeton Tech's etc. you gain durable (not plastic) housing, compact size and when you go tech it becomes one of your back up light !
Dive safe on your trip !