A quick update...
Jovic at Splash Photography in Manila tested my housing, attached to the original Ultralight tray at 60m overnight.. it did not leak. As a precaution, we changed the tray to a straight Ultralight tray, which does not impinge on the back door of the housing. The housing has not leaked since (60 to 70 dives).
This would seem to suggest that the problem was caused by the original Ultralight tray supplied and recommended by Cameras Underwater in London. I must admit, I am still surprised that this could so disastrously affect the functioning of a quality housing. I have written to Recsea to gauge their response. To me it seems that if tray selection is so critical, a quality manufacturer ought to either produce their own compatable kit, or at least supply a recommended list from others.
So in the end, despite losing two cameras and the first three weeks of my photo trip, I did eventually get to grips with the S95.. and managed a few good (for me!) shots on which to build. Many than ks to you all for your advice and help. In addition, a big thank you to Jovic for the five hours he spent with me aming sure I could assemble and use my new set up (unlike Cameras Underwater, who seemed to just want my money). If you are in Manila, check him out, you will not be disappointed...
Jovic at Splash Photography in Manila tested my housing, attached to the original Ultralight tray at 60m overnight.. it did not leak. As a precaution, we changed the tray to a straight Ultralight tray, which does not impinge on the back door of the housing. The housing has not leaked since (60 to 70 dives).
This would seem to suggest that the problem was caused by the original Ultralight tray supplied and recommended by Cameras Underwater in London. I must admit, I am still surprised that this could so disastrously affect the functioning of a quality housing. I have written to Recsea to gauge their response. To me it seems that if tray selection is so critical, a quality manufacturer ought to either produce their own compatable kit, or at least supply a recommended list from others.
So in the end, despite losing two cameras and the first three weeks of my photo trip, I did eventually get to grips with the S95.. and managed a few good (for me!) shots on which to build. Many than ks to you all for your advice and help. In addition, a big thank you to Jovic for the five hours he spent with me aming sure I could assemble and use my new set up (unlike Cameras Underwater, who seemed to just want my money). If you are in Manila, check him out, you will not be disappointed...