LDS - They have a bad attitude.

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Owe the sales tax to who?

If I buy a product from a retailer in NY then I don't pay any sales tax to the state of CA because the sale didn't originate here.
If I was required to pay sales tax to NY they would have collected the tax with the sale. If I sell one of my products out of state I do not collect sales tax because the item was shipped out of CA.
I know this because I have to send the board of equalization sales tax that I collect every year. One of the exemptions is out of state sales. It's the same for other states.
Retailers in other states are not going to collect sales tax for California.

Actually, us Californians are supposed to pay a "use tax" on retail purchases we make from out-of-state retailers. Virtually never happens, though.
I'm actually generally curious what dive shops in Mass you're referring to. You don't need to mention them in the thread.

I've had some so-so experiences with a lot of Mass dive shops but I have found a couple I like. I usually always go in with an open mind.

Unfortunately an increasing majority of my gear is becoming more tech oriented which has been forcing me to look online a lot more.

PM sent.

Owe the sales tax to who?

If I buy a product from a retailer in NY then I don't pay any sales tax to the state of CA because the sale didn't originate here.
If I was required to pay sales tax to NY they would have collected the tax with the sale. If I sell one of my products out of state I do not collect sales tax because the item was shipped out of CA.
I know this because I have to send the board of equalization sales tax that I collect every year. One of the exemptions is out of state sales. It's the same for other states.
Retailers in other states are not going to collect sales tax for California.
You owe the tax to California--that is not disputed by anybody. Who collects it is the subject of litigation:

The issue is not whether people should pay tax when they buy goods from out-of-state sellers like Amazon. For decades, the state has required them to pay sales or use tax.

The question is whether the vendors must collect that tax on behalf of the state.
Maybe they are more rude to me beacuse I look like I am there to robb them vs buy from them :idk:

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Maybe they are more rude to me beacuse I look like I am there to robb them vs buy from them :idk:


Dont take it personal. Shops are ran by people and just like going to any place of buisness your going to always run into a sour apple.

The guy I am most tied in with here in Tulsa is not one of the more popular guys among my fellow divers either. I wont go into details out of respect but alot of divers feel hes not approachable and hard to deal with.

Since I have law enforcement background Ive learned to look past the temperments of people and have found hes a very knowledgeable guy and he is wonderful to work with. Sure he is no big fan of people buying products online and he does get a little let down when you dont buy from him. But you got to remember when you buy else where your not helping them out and if everyone else avoids the shop too it causes financial woes. As in any aspect of life financial woes can bring a persons spirit down. Not supporting bad customer service just pointing out a possible origin.

My shop I mentioned though by giving the guy a chance has been astronomical with me working with me and helping me along. Without my shop I would not be the diver I am today.

I went in and signed up for the Open Water and realized when I got home I had to pass a swim test in which I could not even dog paddle. I knew I was in rough and called about a refund. He instead talked me into coming into his shop and jumping in the pool with him. After nearly drowning a few times he kept working with me and finaly taught me how to swim and float. Now because he went the extra mile with me and refused to let me quit he has permanently earned my respect even if he decided to end the friendship he will always have my respect.

Just remember a first impression is usually the one that last forever but they arent always accurate. sometimes people may be working who got bad news and took it hard. Maybe their mom or dad is getting ready to pass. Maybe they have a son or daughter who is in labor or dieing too and live too far to get too (Maybe over seas even) and the added stress is showing in their life. Sure they should not work stressed but maybe they dont want to sit home and just be idle and still think about it.

Maybe in this economy they are at risk for loosing their homes or cars or are drowning in debt. Not everyone is an A hole to a customer to be one. Sometimes they are just dealing with a lot of hidden stress.

If you saw another customer in front of you he treated diffrently its possible its a close friend and he relates better with a friend then he does a complete stranger.

Again I am not condoning bad behavior and despise it myself but just consider there is a lot more to a dive shop owner/empoyee then a mere 10 minute bad experience.
Movieflick, I don't know why the shop treated you badly but I would not think it was due to your appearance. I have always found that judging a " book by its cover" as the old saying goes is the surest way to be wrong.

I once almost did not hire an employee due to his having an ear ring. I know it is silly in this day and age but back in the day ear rings were not as well accepted for guys as they are now. Fortunately my common sense prevailed and he turned out to be one of the best employees that ever worked for me. That is a considerable compliment cause ALL of my employees were really good. What I am ashamed to admit is that I was one judgemental SOB for the 10 minutes it took for me to decide to hire him. Needless to say I NEVER forget this lesson.

As other posters have suggested, he may have had personal problems or misfortune occur. I would be tempted to go back one more time and see if the attitude is still there (for your OWN benefit, not his). OTOH, if there are other shops around check them out too. No customer owes anyone their business.
Maybe they are more rude to me beacuse I look like I am there to robb them vs buy from them :idk:


The guy who owns my favorite dive shop has more tats and ear rings than that ... and he's one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. Used to be a bartender before he decided to open a dive shop ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
It's not so much the tats as it is the box cutter held throat high that would cause me concern. :D

I went in and signed up for the Open Water and realized when I got home I had to pass a swim test in which I could not even dog paddle. I knew I was in rough and called about a refund. He instead talked me into coming into his shop and jumping in the pool with him. After nearly drowning a few times he kept working with me and finaly taught me how to swim and float.

k ellis, don't take this the wrong way but I remember your lack of ability to swim coming up in a previous thread a few months ago. It still blows me away that you signed up for scuba without knowing how to swim. I was astounded and am still astounded to some degree, but you've gone on to become quite the accomplished diver and, I hope, an accomplished swimmer, so all I can say is, "Good on ya, mate."
Thank you for the comment it means alot :)

It's not so much the tats as it is the box cutter held throat high that would cause me concern. :D

k ellis, don't take this the wrong way but I remember your lack of ability to swim coming up in a previous thread a few months ago. It still blows me away that you signed up for scuba without knowing how to swim. I was astounded and am still astounded to some degree, but you've gone on to become quite the accomplished diver and, I hope, an accomplished swimmer, so all I can say is, "Good on ya, mate."

Believe me my girlfriend heard all about it even threatend to stay at her moms LOL. I knew one thing though and that was when I did the discover scuba (Wich your not required to be a swimmer) I was hooked. There was no way I was going to give up diving without a fight! LOL

I did call the instructor though and tell him I was going to throw in the towel he said "Why dont you come in and Ill show you some swimming techniques." I figured what the heck why not worst I could do was drown right?

Anyway I went in and nearly did just that and luckily I was in the 3 foot range. A few simple teqniques and I was floating like a terd in the water :)

After I got the breathing part of the float down he said now use that same breathing tequnique and breathe out slowly while swimming and then turn my head to get a breathe and repeat it. A few drag my arse out of the water moments and lay on my back spitting the pool back out I was off to the races.

Its been an interesting fight for the fittest ever since! Yep I have been trying to fittest into a wet suit every chance I could get :)

May not be nothing to look at but hey where I plan to use a wet suit they are in style :D
We may not disagree as much as you think. I do agree that using a local shop as a dressing room knowing you will not buy there does reveal an integrity shortcoming. But I don't have the same problem if the customer gives them the opportunity to make the sale. Also, when dealing with shops that lack integrity, like those that treat customers badly or charge excessive prices, I can see bending personal standards a bit.

I don't really see why a customer should shop for dive gear any differently than one would shop for a car or an appliance or any other expensive purchase.

Really? Because you can buy gas for a car most anywhere.

I see the LDS as a gas station, they don't make much on the gas but it's the other items that keep brick and mortar stores open. Of course there's never a good excuse for being rude for the sake of being rude.

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