Lbts 9:00 8/28/04

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My apologies to for not making it to those who I said I would see this morning. Marvel tired me out last night, and I swatted that snooze button just a few too many times. :wink:

Glad you folks had a great time. Great pictures Oliver.

Next time.

Wow... what great pictures. LOVE the turtle!
Sorry I missed out today.

Absolutely great dive. ..... The conditions were...well see the photo. :D I told you be there or be square. Wonderful. We were down for 1 hour, and 44 minutes in 84 degree water. Viz was'nt bad.

Dive safe.
looks a little choppy out there :eyebrow: sorry i missed it but the baby was sick and i am not going to have her at the sitters. next weekend we can hook up

I was able to get some video of that turtle and Krista & Klaus' new kick-technique... forgot the camera though and am posting from the office (ugh... UGLY month). Folks, it was great diving with you all and conditions were exceptional for this time of year.
Great meeting you too Oliver! It was a beautiful day for a dive! I had an amazing time.

Awesome, Awesome dive with Lisa & Alli today! We split off & did the 2nd reef up to the pier, headed in & back from there. To get so close to a Southern Stingray....
Sounds like you guys had a really good time. Oliver, your photo skills are really improving, and I congratulate you on your fine photos. If I hadn't already planned the trip of Venice Beach, ya know I woulda been there.
Sounds like everyone had a super time and the pictures looked great.

Oliver, the pictures are awesome, nice and clear. Sorry I missed this dive. Hopefully things will quiet down for me to hit the beach again. With my luck, just about the time I'll be ready to join in on a dive, it will be time to head up north.

Mike your dive reports as always are superb.

Maybe I'll try and set up a night dive soon.

Thanks all as well for a great dive--I think that's my longest to date, at 1:48 min. Wow!! It was the first time I've hit the bridge too, so hanging out under the bridge with the schools of fish was fun...and watching the 2 or 3 free divers just happily hanging down there taking pics/video was amazing--they were so zen!
Hanging with the gentlemen also got me a nice workout when, turning the dive, we discovered the ccurrent had picked up and we had to fight it all the way back...whew!!
I can't wait to hit that second reef again soon, though!! We didn't get to spend enough time investigating....alas, LBTS continues to reveal new and exciting possibilities every time I'm there!!!
Thanks all for great dives as always!

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