Last Person To Post Gets $20

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I want the money so back off like I said!!!
yes I am but I would rather be a pie not a cookie...
wstein ... I hear you mommy calling, "eat your veggies and clean your room". You better hurry or you may get in touble. OBTW ... PM me the $20.

I already ate my veggies and cleaned my room, now cough up the cash, the dancers at Mons Venus are waiting to give me my lapdance.
How many times must i say that the 20 is mine and all of you back off!:light: :m16::bigun2:
Man!!! Another tough cooki ....... I mean pie.

Back off I want the money and please wstein.. keep this family friendly
My family is friendly so do I get the money?
OK everyone, I need for you all to follow my logic.

I am on the other side of the International Date Line from you all. So technically, every time I post, one day has already gone by before any of have had a chance to post a response … hence I won as soon as I posted. So each person on this thread that I followed owes me $20. I guess I have about one grand so you all know who you are and should now pay up. You will find wstein and me at Mons Venus

Thank you very much.
Wow that almost made sense to me, and I'm blonde.
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